
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Amateur radio special event July 8-9

B1/B3/B4/B7, CHINA. The Chinese Radio Sports Association (CRSA) HQ stations will be on air during the 2006 IARU HF Word Championship, July 8-9th. There were four different special callsigns assigned by CRSA to be active on 160-10 meters. Look for B1HQ (B1Z), B3HQ (B3C), B4HQ (B4R) and B7HQ (B7P).
QSL all four callsigns via BA4EG. The CRSA will issue four awards to encourage QSOs with CRSA HQ stations. The following Web link provides more information about the CRSA activity, and awards eligibility and application process (includes application forms):
English Version operation announcement:
Chinese Version operation announcement:
For CRSA HQ Award application form download (Basic award and Extra award):
For CRSA HQ SWL Award application form download:

(Source: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 764 )