
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Latest Inter-Net Radio ready for DXers

Bob Padula's 21st edition of the Electronic DX Press Radio Monitoring Asssociation's Internet Audio DX Show is now available for DXers. The EDXP INTER-NET RADIO SERVICE offers you frequently compiled "DX RADIO SHOWS", as audio files, about monitoring of world shortwave broadcasting, compiled by Bob Padula, in Melbourne, Australia

This edition, released June 24, 2006, runs for 15 mins and 26 seconds. Lots of music is included, as usual - we hope you like it - cool stuff! This edition is dedicated to the outstanding success of the Australian Socceroos in the World Cup!

This edition has lots of news and information, including:
a.. Extracts from the latest schedules, with many new frequencies given
b.. Monitoring Notes from Melbourne
c.. Reception notes from EDXP members around the world
d.. Monitoring from the Mountains

The Show, and all previous editions, are available at:

The shows are available as downloadable audio files, Podcasts, or streaming audio. You may also subscribe (free) to the Shows - full details are at the site. As a matter of interest, there have been over 3300 page-loads of the Shows since inception in February this year. Have fun, get the latest DX news, and enjoy the music!

(Source: Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia/Cumbre DX)