
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Latvia Relay Service on Hiatus

Looks like DXers will have to wait a few months to log stations via the Latvia Relay Service. Latvia has no independent shortwave radio stations, but does relay service for producers and radio stations, provided by KREB TV. However, following a gut-check price hike from the transmitter operator from LVRTC, for transmitter leases in early 2006, the rates for the 100kW air time are no longer affordable for customers using the radio relay service.
The relay service on 9290 kHz from Ulbroka, Latvia, reportedly remains inactive and will likely resume transmissions with a new owner, autumn 2006. Current license owner, Raimonds Kreicbergs, minority co-owner of Krebs TV, plans to install his own SW transmitter, possibly a 10kW DRM-ready, at the Ulbroka site during the summer, with plans to resume the relay service for low-budget program producers in autumn. This will substitute the previously used 100kW transmitter, but here's my next question....who outside of Europe is going to hear them? Luckily, the old 100kW transmitter will remain available for clients who are ready to pay the higher prices...but wasn't that the problem that out priced them in the first place? Thanks to our Texas contributor for the update..
Here's a partial list of station's that have been logged transmitting via the Latvia relay site, and might be ones that resume programming on 9290 kHz.
Europa Radio International
Hamburger Lokalradio
KWRN Nordland Radio
Radio 73
Radio Casablanca
Radio City
Radio Joystick
Radio Marabu
Radio RTN (Radio Tele Niedersachen)
Radio Six International
Radio Tatras International
Radio Waves International
RMRC/Rhein Main Radio Club