
Friday, July 21, 2006

Bangladesh testing new frequency

According to DSWCI-DX Window, Bangladesh has been noted testing from the following logging:

BANGLADESH 4750kHz, The Home Service of Radio Bangladesh was noted yesterday 12 July 2006 on 4750 at around 1430 UTC (parallel to 693 kHz MW). Off by 1600 UTC when I checked. They were testing this frequency and 4880kHz very recently along with 41 meter frequencies.
(Jose Jacob-IND, DXindia July 13)

News in English 1530-1555 on 4750, on July 15.
(Rumen Pankov-BUL, WWDX BC-DX /Top News)

Additional English and multi languages from the following schedules.

UTC kHz target areas: as-Asia eu-Europe me-Middle East

1230-1300 7185as
1745-1800 7185eu (Voice of Islam)
1800-1815 7185eu (Voice of Islam)
1815-1900 7185eu

1315-1345 7185as (Nepali)
1400-1430 7185as (Urdu)
1515-1545 7185as (Hindu)
1600-1630 7185me (Arabic)
1630-1700 7185me (Bangla)
1700-1730 7185me (Bangla)
1915-2000 7185eu (Bangla)

Reception reports or correspondence should be sent to:

Bangladesh Betar
External Service
Bangladesh Betar
Shah Bagh Post Box No. 2204
Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh
(or) 121, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Enclose two International Reply Coupons or return mint postage are recommended with your reception report.