
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hot Spot DXing - Israel & Syria

With tensions increasing in the Middle East, hobbyists would do well to monitor events as they occur via shortwave radio. News was released this afternoon that seven Israel Defense Forces soldiers were killed and two others were abducted Wednesday in attacks by guerillas from the militant Hezbollah organization. Israel has declared this action as an act of war.

On Wednesday afternoon the Israel Defense Forces sent troops across the border to search for the missing soldiers, marking the first incursion into Lebanon since the withdrawal in May 2000.
Army Radio reported large numbers of troops as well as aircraft, were taking part in searchers on the Lebanese side of the border.
Consider too, that Syria is a large supporter of the Hezbollah, and could result in them becoming involved in this ongoing conflict.
The following English schedules reflect MT's most recent schedule for Israel and Syria. Lebanon is currently inactive on shortwave.

Time UTC,kHz, target areas: va (various areas) eu (Europe) al (alternate freq)
Israel - Kol Israel
0330-0345 9345va 7530va 17600va
0930-0945 13680eu 15760eu
1730-1745 9345va 11590va 13675va
1900-1925 9400va 11590va 15640va

Syria - Radio Damascus
2005-2100 9330eu 12085eu 13610al
2100-2200 9330eu 12085eu 136 10al
2200-2210 9330eu 12085eu