
Friday, July 21, 2006

Summer frequency adjustments

The following summer frequency adjustments are for:
Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, Voice of America

1100-1300 RL Russian NF 11700* x11705 >>>*co-ch R.Bulgaria Fr/En/Bulg.
1600-1700 RL Uzbek NF 12150, x11875 KWT, to avoid CRI Russian

2230-2330 RFA Khmer NF 7520, x9490
1400-1500 RFA Vietnamese NF 9310, x11680
2330-0030 RFA Vietnamese NF 7525, x12110

1730-1800 VOA Azeri NF 7595, x7125
1130-1200 VOA Burmese on 11850 15215 17820 >>> cancelled
1430-1530 VOA Burmese on 9330 11910 12120,
x1430-1500 on 5955 12015 12120
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via BC-DX WWDX/Top News)