
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Blog Logs - focus on Russia

Here's a quick focus on recent loggings for Russia. What are you hearing?
Gayle VH

RUSSIA 5965 R. Radonezh on Aug 10 at *1700-1706 UT. 44444 Russian, 1700
UT sign on with opening mx, ID, Music.
(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 18)

5965 at 1800 UT on 17 August 06. Found Radio Radonezh here with sign-on
and ID. This is an Orthodox sce that sounds very right wing. Fair to good
with some tx blips. Also announce 1296 not heard.
(Volodya Salmaniw-UKR, DXplorer Aug 18)

5965 IRK 250kW 290degr, 1700-1900 UT.

15660 Tensae Ethiopia V.of Unity Aug 10 *1500-1516 35443 Amharic,
1500 sign on with opening mx, ID, Opening announce, Talk,
(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 18)

250 kW 188degr Armavir-RUS.

Hier sind einige Logs von 18.8. von DW Relays in Kasachstan und im Fernen
Osten Russlands.

7420 kHz DW Almaty um 2333 UTC in D. SINPO 23332
11830 kHz DW Komsomolsk-na-Amure um 2259 UTC (s/on) in Chin. SINPO 24332
11965 kHz DW Irkutsk um 2336 UTC in D. SINPO 34333
15135 kHz DW Tchita um 2318 UTC in E. O=2-1
(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-DX Aug 19)

7250 Degar Voice on Aug 15 at 1325-1329* UT. 43443 Vietnamese, Talk and
mx, 1329 IS, 1329 UT sign off.
(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 18)
(WWDXC Top News)