
Monday, August 28, 2006

Bolivia announces new radio network

The government of Bolivia announces the implementation of a new national and international radio network - Red Radio Patria Nueva, which transmits in FM, AM and on shortwave. The network connects 30 transmitters in different points of the country.

In La Paz, the state radio will continue with the name R Illimani, whereas for the rest of the country, the network assumes the name R Patria Nueva. Until now the first four transmitters has been installed in Orinoca (Oruro) on 1030 AM, Independence (Cochabamba) 3 Kw on 1050 AM, Riberalta (Beni) and Sabaya (Oruro). Next will be the transmitters in Tarabuco and Mojocoya (Chuquisaca) and later in Totora, Lauca (Cochabamba) until completing the network.

In addition to these 30 transmitters, 8 repeaters of Illimani Radio will be part of the new network. Radio Patria Nueva transmits in the following frequencies: on 94,1 MHz (La Paz, El Alto, Achacachi and Laza (Sud Yungas), on 94.3 MHz, FM in Sucre, Cochabamba, Potoso, Tarija, Trinidad, Cobija, Montero and Yacuiba, and on Medium Waves on 1020 KHz, and on Short Waves on 6025 kHz (ex-R Illimani), in the international band of 49 meters. ("1000 Lakes DX" blog via Ritola in Dxplorer, Aug 19)

Just listened to their streaming audio (excellent sound quality and beautiful music, Aug 19, 1740) and heard the speaker say "Red Patria Nueva emite por.../frequencies/", also "Radio Illimani por la Red Patria Nueva" and "Red Patria Nueva, La Voz de Bolivia". To listen, open and click on the link on the last line of the page unless you have Winamp installed on your PC. (Klemetz)

6025, R Patria Nueva (RPN) (ex Illimani?), La Paz, 1055-1105, Aug 18, talk in Aymara, 1100 Spanish ID: "Radio Patria Nueva ......en todos los departamentos del pais....en treinta segundos comienza su red nacional"; another ID: "La Radio Patria Nueva presenta..... su canal de noticias....Bolivia, primera edicion....completa y pluralista... integrando al pais"; TC: "7 de la ma±ana, 2 minutos", national news in Spanish, 22432. (Slaen)

(Source: DX Window # 305)