
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

ABC-Australia workers may go on strike

Journalists and other staff at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) said they are willing to strike in pursuit of better conditions, in what unions have tipped will be “a messy and protracted industrial dispute”. A postal ballot of 1,600 ABC employees in Australia and overseas, the biggest strike ballot under the federal government’s new industrial relations laws, found 91 percent of staff in favour of industrial action. Union officials will meet members on 14 September to decide what form the industrial action will take. Strikes, bans and rolling stoppages have been authorised, The Age reports.
The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, representing journalists, has been in negotiations with ABC management over a new agreement since last November. A final offer put to staff provided for a pay rise of 3.5 percent. The offer was rejected, and staffs, according to Union Assistant Federal Secretary Mark Ryan, were also unhappy about the loss of some conditions.

(Source: Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)