
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Blog Logs - Medium Wave

Here's a brief example of the latest of what is being heard on medium wave during the past few days from the National Radio Club members.

1503 Iran, Arabic text into recitations. (Bruce, York, PA)

CKMX Calgary AB busting through KYW here tonight with C&W, "Classic Country AM "1060" slogans. Many other good western signals such as CKLQ-880, CJGX-940 and CHRB-1140 are in, and KOMO-1000 was heard a little earlier. I think I even snagged much-wanted KPAM-860 just before pattern change, but didn't get a positive ID. Go get 'em, folks! (B. McLarnon, CAN)

I'm hearing some country music on 1130, after somewhat nulling local WDFN. Signal strength varies, trying to get station ID. (J. Miller, MC)

Just got an ID, it's KWKH Shreveport LA 1130. Country music, Wachovia ad. #349, LA#4 Just got an ID it's KWKH Shreveport LA 1130. Country music. Still coming in at 0315/UTC---Did not hear Vancouver, as I am way too close to WDFN in Detroit. Also music and talk on 1140 after nulling Michael Savage on WRVA. CHRB???? (if so, 7th province) Also getting a carrier on 1143, WRVA too strong to hear anything else. (J. Miller, MI)

CKST-1040 breaking through WHO here with talk about Vancouver Canucks hockey, Team 1040 slogans. (B. McLarnon, CAN)

I'm hearing WJOX 690 in Alabama right now. Don't know if this is day or night power, but they have been carrying paid programming for the last half hour - John Anthony NFL System and 1-800 phone number. Station ID WJOX and ESPN The Sports Monster at top of hour. State #33 (J. Miller, MI

(Source: National Radio Club/DX Tip Info)