
Monday, October 02, 2006

BLOG LOGS - South America

Here's a quick look at what is being monitored from South America in recent days. DX conditions continue to improve, and hope it is at your listening post as well.
Gayle VH

4900.6v Radio San Miguel, 0155-0217* Sep 23, man talking in Spanish until 0200 when a series of rustic vocals were played. At 0213 the man announcer returned with ID followed by an instrumental mx interlude and a man and woman with ID and closing annmts. Poor to fair.
(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Sept 24)
3310 R. Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, logged 2312-2323, 22 Sept, Quechua, Indian songs, talks; 34342, adj. uty. QRM.
3390.2 R. Emisoras Camargo, Camargo, a rare catch for me, logged at 2317- 2326, 22 Sept, Indian songs; 23341.
4650 R. Sta Ana, Sta Ana del Yacuma, 2232-2346, 23 Sept, Spanish, Indian songs; 25331.
4796.4 R. Mallku, Uyuni, 2222-2230, 23 Sept, Aymara, Indian songs, few talks; 45343.
5580.3 R. San Jose, S. Jose de Chiquitos, 2237-2246 UT, 23 Sept, Spanish, Indian songs; 45342.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Sept 29)

4985 Radio Brasil Central, 0005-0047 Sep 20, two fast talking men in Portuguese with coverage of futebol match. Jingle ID and short ad string at 0021 followed by a return to the match. Poor with some fair peaks but // 11815 was fair. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Sept 24)
Still audible on MW evenings while NAm stns start to pop out too, but later; putting the vy.late night hrs aside, the latter are, however, stronger early morning, so the NAm MW DX season has started down here in SW Europe too.
3235 R. Club de Marilia, Marilia SP, 2302-..., 22 Sept, chats & songs; 35242.
4765 R. Rural, Santarem PA, 2224-2235, 23 Sept, internview; AC-type noise in carrier; 33341, splatter de NIG 4770.
9615 R. Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 21144-2127, 23 Sept, Braz. songs; 44432, adj. QRM de DW 9620 (via ?) in Arabic.
9694.9 R. Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 2055-2100*, 23 Sept, talks about f/ball, TCs, MW ch. (1290 kHz) annt; 55433, which was the SINPO rating for just a few mins. as otherwise there was moderate adj. QRM, and should it be on the air later than 2100 it would have got even stronger adj. QRM (de F). (all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Sept 29)

6139.8 Radio Lider, 0056-0152 Sept 23, Latin vocals to 0100 canned ID followed by nx program. At 0134 another complete ID followed by ad string and program of Latin mx hosted by a man with IDs after most songs. Fair with some Turkey slop. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Sept 24)
6139.8 R. Lider, strong signal, good audio at 0850 Sept 22; HJ mx, several full IDs at 0900 for AM and FM, no ment. of SW. Into "ultimas noticias" at 0902. (Jerry Berg-MA-USA, DXplorer Sept 24)
6139.8 R. Lider, 0945 Sept 22, back on with huge signal, mx prgm until 0955 then into national news. Lots of "Radio Lider - Bogota" ID's between nx items. Still there at 1200.
(John Herkimer-NY-USA, DXplorer Sept 24)

4815 Radio Buen Pastor, 0243-0256* Sep 19, man with Quichua talks with nice local vocal by a woman at 0246. More talks and mx with brief sign off ID and annts at 0254 just before carrier was terminated. Poor. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Sept 24)

3291.1 GBC, Sparendaam, observed after an absence at 2305-2317 UT, 22 Sept, English, talks on wildlife conservation, seemingly some BBC feature; 44242, adjt. uty. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Sept 29) 3291.2 Voice of Guyana, 0320-0352+ Sept 22, talk in English by a man to a "live" audience about local events, issues mentioning ministers of govt and an upcoming national holiday. An announcer introduced a group of children who song the National Anthem a cappella. After a brief string of ads, a man gave a station ID ("This is the Voice of Guyana" which was followed by somber instrumental mx and a man reading the obituaries. Appropriately followed by some lively jazz mx (interesting programming change of pace). Fair. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Sept 24)

3375.1 R. San Antonio, Callalli, vy. poor, 2314-2329 UT, 22 Sept, Spanish, sermon (tent); 24341, uty. QRM. 9720 R. Victoria, Lima, vy. weak this time, 2103-2112 UT, 23 Sept, Portuguese, shouting preacher before an audience, either actual or forged; 14431, adj. QRM de CTR 9724.9 kHz. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Sept 29)
(Source: WWDX-Top News BC-DX # 775)