
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

DSWCI Jubilee Band-monitoring competition on Nov 18

Thirty years ago the DSWCI held some popular Band-Monitoring Competitions where members should listen to broadcast stations on a certain metreband within a specific timeperiod. We are going to do the same on the exact date when the DSWCI was born 50 years ago. The task is to hear as many broadcast transmitters as possible on the 60 metreband between 4750 and 5060 kHz between 0001 and 2359 UTC on Nov 18, 2006.
We hope that many members around the world will join us and send in their loggings which should have the same format as in our SW TIPS: kHz, heard timeperiod in UTC, country (ITU-code), 18-11-06, station name, language, SINPO and contributor. Only identified stations should be reported. Tentatives may be counted, if they sound realistic. The three winners will get a free Domestic Broadcasting Survey 2007.
Please send your contributions to Anker Petersen, Udbyvej 11, DK 2740 Skovlunde, Denmark, e-mail: before Dec 01, 2006. (Ed)
(Source: Anker Petersen, DX Window # 311/ 11 Nov 06)