
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Radio St. Helena READY for Nov 4 special broadcast

Just in case you have chained yourself to your receiver during the ongoing DX is a gentle reminder you won't want to miss this weekend!

Following several years of inactivity, Radio St. Helena will revive their popular annual broadcast and station personnel indicate they are READY! For months, worldwide DXers have followed the progress from the South Atlantic station, and in recent weeks it has remained the hottest topic in the shortwave radio hobby. The revival project would not have been possible except for the generous donations from overseas shortwave enthusiasts, as well as local building contractors and friends. To learn more about the project and the historic island, visit:

Radio St. Helena (RSH) "Revival" broadcast will be transmitted on 11.092.5 LSB on Saturday November 4, 2006, on the following schedule.
1800 - 1930 UTC, targeted to New Zealand (via short path)
2000 - 2130 UTC, targeted to Japan (via short path)
2200 - 2330 UTC, targeted to Europe
2330 UTC (Sat.) - 0100 (Sunday UTC) targeted to North America

RSH will issue a new QSL card for these special broadcasts, and it will take several months to process the reception reports, so please be patient. Only reception reports sent by regular mail will be accepted. E-mail reports will NOT be accepted. Return postage is absolutely required and is "at least" three new IRC’s or three U.S. dollars. "At least" means that RSH welcomes donations at any time and in any amount.

All reports should be addressed to the revised address at:
Radio St. Helena
P.O.Box 24
St. Helena Island
South Atlantic Ocean

These four Radio St. Helena broadcasts are also regarded as special programs in connection with the 50th anniversary of the DSWCI on Nov 18, 2006. The DSWCI is going to verify correct reception reports on these programs by our special DSWCI QSL-card, if return postage (one IRC, one U.S. Dollar or one Euro) is enclosed. Please send your reports to:
Tavleager 31
DK-2670 Greve

Good luck and don't forget to report your monitoring results for the blog. Loggings may be directed to my email address posted at the Monitoring Times website at: . Until Saturday's broadcast, check out the testing sessions and information as reported below.
Gayle VH

11092.5USB, R St. Helena, 1504-1649*, Oct 30, testing, female DJ playing Kenny Rodgers (I guess) songs. A fady and not too strong signal, but getting better later. Clear ID at 1606. (Birkhahn, Savolainen, Scaglione and Cecconi in HCDX). Later on Oct 30, Robert Kipp sent us the following e-mail:
" Hello Everyone,
Radio St. Helena is BACK on the air on shortwaves and is ready for the Revival transmissions on 04. November on 11092.5 in USB starting at 2200 to Europe (1800 to New Zealand , 2000 to Japan and 2330 UTC to North America).

Today we successfully tested the power amplifier and antenna system. We broadcast over two hours long under the exact conditions of the broadcasts on Saturday. We used a full 1000 Watts output to the 3-element Yagi-Uda beam antenna. Both Cable and Wireless and the BBC on Ascension Island reported back to us that we had strong signals and excellent modulation. This was also reported to us by email by Mr. Jari Savolainen of Kuusankoski in FINLAND !! The staff at RSH were thrilled to learn that our signals were heard that far away.

We at Radio St. Helena are READY for the Radio St. Helena Day Revival 2006 broadcasts on 04. November.

NOTE: If you try to call in by telephone, you will probably get a busy signal, so just keep trying. We will handle the calls as quickly as possible. PLEASE remember the NEW address ( PO Box 24 ) for reception reports. Look at: for some photos of the Project.

Good DX and listening conditions to everyone. With best regards, Robert Kipp ZD7PU DJ0PU at Radio St. Helena."
(Source: DX Window # 310/1 Nov 2006)