
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Blog Logs - Bolivia

The following loggings, represent what has been heard by DXers monitoring Bolivia, from World Wide DX Club and DSWCI . All time UTC.


BOLIVIA 4694.7 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, with Flauta Boliviana 17December, good signal no ID; 0945 on 18 December 4694.8 flauta and om,noID; 4695.1 on 19 December. Station had similar frequency drift while on4901.

4498.1 R Estambul Guyaramerin 1020 on 17 December with poor signal, 0955instrumental music 18 December.

4650.2 Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma noted each local morning inBolivia, 1020 to 1130 week of 17 to 23 December. Modest signal strength,one ID on the 17th.

5680.7 Radio La Voz del Campesino, Sipe Sipe, Noticed this off the air 18December, 19 December 1000 to 1100.

4409.7 Radio Eco, Reyes 2320 clear signal with ID as Radio Eco,followed by music. 17 December.

4498.1, R Estambul, Guyaramerín, 0955-1020, Dec 17, instrumental music, poor signal. (Wilkner)

4716.7 Radio Yura, Yura 0928 to 0940 excellent music, good signalstrength. Trio harmonizing, very beautiful 18 December.

4650.2, R Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma noted each local morning in Bolivia, 1020 to 1130, Dec 17-23, one ID, modest signal strength. (Wilkner). Also heard 2249-2305, Dec 16, música de flauta, talk in Spanish, 14321. (Méndez)

4694.7, R San Miguel, Riberalta, 1000-1020 and 2240-2255, Dec 17, Flauta Boliviana, no ID; 0945 on Dec 18 on 4694.8 flauta and ann, no ID; 4695.1 on Dec 19, good signal. Station had similar frequency drift while on 4901. (Wilkner). Also heard on 4694.54 – 4695.2 at 1030-1040, Dec 16 and 2235-2330 on Dec 17, Andean music, talks and IDs in Spanish. (Bolland, Grimm and Groppazzi, PIA27). An open carrier was noted here in Denmark on 4695.38 at 0010 on Dec 21. (Petersen). New frequency. Cf. UNID in DX-Window no. 313. (Ed)

4716.7, R Yura, Yura, 0928-0940, Dec 18, excellent music by a Trio harmonizing; good signal. (Wilkner). Also heard 2304-0055, Dec 18 and 25, continuous rustic vocals, Spanish ann and ID, 24322. (D’Angelo/FCDX and Méndez)

4781.5, R Tacana, Tumupasa Iturralde (t), 1018, Dec 18, beautiful flute solo, Spanish conversation. (Wilkner)

4796.4 Radio Mallku, Uyuni 0928 vocal very similar but not parallel to4716. "Buenas Dias Santa Ana y.. Buenas Dias Santa Cruz". 18 December.

4781.5 [tent] Radio Tacana, Tumupasa Iturralde 1018 beautiful flute solofollowed by om with comment in the mud, two men with conversationalSpanish, fade out. 18 December.(Bob Wilkner-FL-USA, DXplorer Dec 24)(Source: WWDXC-Top News (BC-DX # 788)

5680.7, R La Voz del Campesino, Sipe Sipe, 1000-1100, Dec 18 and 19, noticed this OFF the air. (Wilkner)

5952.5, R Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2251-2312, Dec 16 and 24, Bolivian music, Spanish ann: "Felicidades a todos nuestros oyentes, estamos haciendo el programa la noche de los recuerdos", "Escuchando la Radio Pio XII", 23222. (Méndez)

6025, R Patria Nueva, La Paz, 0008-0015, Dec 25, Spanish talk about Nochebuena, songs, 23222. (Méndez)

6134.8, R Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 0120-0145, Dec 25, cumbia, merengue, Bolivian songs, 23322.(Méndez)

(Source: WWDXC-Top News (BC-DX # 788/DX Window-No. 314 via Anker Petersen)