
Friday, December 08, 2006

Blog Logs - MARE

The following are samples of what the DXers from Michigan Area Radio Enthusiast are hearing. Thanks to MARE for permission to post from your fine newsletter.
Gayle VH.

All times UTC

ALBANIA: 7825 China Radio Int'l relay w/News & tx re Asian Games in EE; USB Better because of Ham Splatter SIO 43+3+ 2000-2020, 2/Dec
--Zichi DXp

15400 BBC relay 15400 at 1650 w/soccer. Sat/Sun only. Excellent.
//15420 via Seychelles. (LC Dec 3 Brighton)

5995 Radio Australia; 1005, 3-Dec; Pidgin service, news. SIO=3+23
7240 Radio Australia; 1436-58+, 2-Dec; Saturday Night Country w/C&W &
interviews in EE. SIO=444-; //11660, SIO=3+33; //9475, SIO=333,
LSB cuts out QRM; //9590, SIO=3+53+ (Frodge-DXP)
9580 Radio Australia w/News & interview and music show talking with a
‘mouth organist’ & mentions of how underappreciated the harmonica
is as an instrument. Including selections of not only blues and
jazz stuff, but also CLASSICAL music...Bizarre! 0803-0825 2/Dec
MANY //s heard as follows: 5995 SIO 3+3+2; 9580 SIO 4+54 (hum in
modulation!); 9590 SIO 3+4+3+; 9710 SIO 3+53+; 13630 SIO 253
--Zichi DXp

AUSTRIA: 6155 Radio Osterreich Int'l at 2045 in German w/classical
music. //5945. Both S9+. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

4409.82 Radio Eco (p); 2311-31+, 1-Dec; M in SS w/camp'o music & pos-
sibly dedications; echo promo @2326. SIO=352, need USB to
kill ute; tough copy due to QRN. (Frodge-DXP)
4650.30 Radio Santa Ana (p) at 2335 in Spanish. Very weak. Might be a
hallucination. (LC Dec 1 Brighton)
4716.76 Radio Yura at 2348 in Spanish. Bolivian music. Weak (LC Dec 1
4716.76 Radio Yura; 0108-14+, 2-Dec; M in SS w/lite SS vocals; ID of
some sort after every song; "...onda corta Radio Yura". SIO=
342+, USB helps (Frodge-DXP)
5680.77 Radio La Voz de Campesino (p); 1024-28+, 3-Dec; Andean vocal
music. SIO=2+52 till 1028 when 5679.9 SSB QRM killed it.
(Frodge-DXP) (ID per recent Cumbre logs; Passport shows Radio
Ilucan, Peru.)

4775 Radio Congonhas 2355+ in Portuguese. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)
4805 Radio Amazonas; 0940-0947+, 3-Dec; M in PP w/tropocal big band
music; one word "Amazonas" SID & Brasil promo. SIO=3+23, swiper
QRM (Frodge-DXP)
4864.97 Radio Alvorada at 0357 w/ID. Moderate. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)
4885 Radio Clube do Para; 0507-23+, 2-Dec; M in PP w/variety tropical
tunes--reggae, Mex, samba. Full ID @0523 w/MW/SW freqs. SIO=3+53
4925.07 Radio Educacao Rural at 1100 in Portuguese. Moderate. Music. I
have never heard an education prg on this stn. (LC Dec 3 Brighton)
4935.01 Radio Capixaba (t) at 2158 in Portuguese. This is the only
station PWBR lists on this freq but says inactive. I think I hrd
some sort of ID but the signal was weak. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)
4985 Radio Brasil Central at 2310 w/music and talk in Portuguese.
Strong signal. //11815 weak. (LC Dec 1 Brighton)
6090 Radio Bandeirantes at 0115 w/talk in Portuguese. Good sig.
Dr. Gene off. //11925 poor. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)
9664.98 Radio Marumby at 0015 in Portuguese. Odd buzz like that over
Gabon on 9580. Strong signal, unusual for this stn. Preaching.
(LC Dec 3 Brighton)
11915.02 Radio Gaucha (p) at 0052 in Portuguese. Faint. Severe QRM.
(LC Dec 3 Brighton)

BURKINA FASO: 5030 Radio Burkina (p); 2M discussion in FF. Real mess
w/Rebelde on 5025. SIO=3+22+, USB helps (Frodge-DXP)

6160 CKZN St. Johns NL at 1129 w/news from Labrador. Moderate and jit-
tery. (LC Dec 3 Brighton)
9625 Radio Netherlands, 0655 11/28, presumed pgm feed error. RN bells
at 0700. (Russell)

CHAD: 6165 RdfTV Tchadienne at 2033 in French w/African music. Alter-
nating w/R Netherlands. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

CHILE: 6089.9 Radio Esperanza; 0640-0708+, 2-Dec; W&2M in SS w/rlgs
discussion; One-word "Esperanza" ID @0653 then vocal music. Pgm named
Libre en Christo. SIO=333-, USB helps, occasional drop-outs. (HF-DXP)

5910 La Voz de tu Consencia; 2304-10+, 2-Dec; Camp'o music. SIO=2+33-,
need LSB to kill ute; //6009.5, SIO=2+2-2- (Frodge-DXP)
6009.5 La Voz de tu Consencia; 0623-30+, 2-Dec; SS preacher. SIO=322+,
LSB helps; 5910 absent. 0957, 3-Dec; M in SS w/rlgn & ID.
SIO=4+23, het QRM; 5910 absent. (Frodge-DXP)

6060 Radio Habana; 0631, 2-Dec; News Update read by Arnie Coro; Cuba
Today @0634. All in EE. SIO=544; //6000, SIO=444- (Frodge-DXP)
6180 Radio Habana; 1300 ID in SS, off. Is Brasil still using 6180
now that Cuba has moved onto it? (Russell)
11705 Radio Nacional de Venezuela; 1212-1239+ 11/27 RNdV ids, mostly
talk, but some local filler mx. One mention of upcoming elec-
tion, and Hugo Chavez. fair, propagation noise, presumed via
Cuba. (Russell)

3220 HCJB at 1002 in Quechua with Andean music. Good signal. (LC Dec
3 Brighton)
3279.5 La Voz del Napo(p) w/SS OM vocal Mx, EZL instr'l & YL ancr in
SS--no ID heard, but likely Tena. SIO 353+ 0745-0800 2/Dec
--Zichi DXp

EQUATORIAL GUINEA: 5005 Radio Nacional at 2208 in Spanish w/African
music. Good at S7. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

FRANCE: 9800 Trans-World Radio with religious programming & ID as
Trans World Radio & mention of Per HFCC this is from
Monte Carlo [xmtr is actually located in France]. In nicely, SIO 344
0830-0835 2/Dec --Zichi DXp

9580 Africa #1 at 2155 in French without the annoying buzz so often
heard lately. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)
15355 Radio Japan Relay, w/EE World Interactive mail & Talkback pgm
with tx re Liza Minelli & conversation with an English/Japanese
translator from the Philippines. Into JJ @1800. SIO 354 1740-
1801 2/Dec --Zichi DXp

GERMANY: 15205 Voice of America relay w/On The Line. EE talk with W
about Sharia Law in Iraq & Iran. Splatter from 15210 particularly bad
when 15210 had music, SIO 3+21 when music was playing, 3+43 when they
were broadcasting voice & the QRM was gone by 1500 leading to an SIO
of 3+4+4. ID & into World News Now @1500, mentioned MANY other freqs
in use, of those the //s heard after 1500 were: to Asia 9645 Ceylon
SIO 4+54+; 12150 Germany SIO 2+43 w/whoop whoop QRM to ME/Afr; 11890
Ceylon SIO 3+53 (auroral fading) all from 1444-1505 2/Dec --Zichi DXp

GREECE: 7450 Radio Makedonias at 1908+ in Greek. Good Greek music as
usual. (LC Dec 1 Brighton)

4052.47 Radio Verdad (p); 0131-39+, 2-Dec; M in SS w/instr'l Xmas
song medley. SIO=343 (Frodge-DXP)
4779.98 Radio Cultural Coatan at 0140 in Spanish w/weird oompah tune
mixed in w/Here Comes the Bride on trumpet. Later, same music
with the Wedding March. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

HAWAII: 11785 KWHR with Hmong Lao Radio, 1400-1500 in Hmong. Strong
signal. I should be a linguist. Sked Stas only 1400-1500 on 11785.
(LC Dec 3 Brighton)

INDONESIA: 4406 RRI Serui at 1258 w/chime IS. Clear ID. Very strong
signal. (LC Dec 3 Brighton)

7320 Voice of the Islamic Rep. of Iran; 1941-50+, 2-Dec; 2M in EE
w/ME & Iran news & Bush-bash. IDd both as IRIB & VoIRI. SIO=
433; //6010, SIO=2+52; 9855 & 11695 not heard. (Frodge-DXP)

ISRAEL: 6985 Kol Israel; 2053-2124+, 2-Dec; W in SS; off abruptly for
few sec. @2056+ then back on w/Hava Nagela then W in SS to ID @2100 in
HB, Kol Israel shalom. Cmtry by M in HB. SIO=453 dropping to 352 by
2124; //7545, SIO=554. (Frodge-MI) (See 6985 UNID & Somalia.)

5885 Vatican Radio at 2011 in Esperanto. Quotes from the Pope. Solid
S9 signal. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)
6010 RAI; 2038-2045*, 1-Dec; W in EE w/LL pop music & EE ID/close
@2044:30 to bird tweet IS @2045. SIO=333- (Frodge-DXP)

3325 Radio Nikkei at 1010 in Japanese. Heard until well after dawn.
1st time catch. Solid S6 signal. (LC Dec 3 Brighton)
17825 NHK at 2119 w/music. Fair. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

11690 Radio Jordan; W in AR w/rap & pop music; multi-LL IDs @1520.
SIO=253, need USB to kill RTTY. (Frodge-DXP)
15290 Radio Jordan at 1230 in Arabic. (LC Dec 3 Brighton)

LITHUANIA: 9875 Radio Vilnius at 0053 w/prg on AIDS. Exc signal.
(LC Dec 2 Brighton)

MADAGASCAR: 12080 Radio Netherlands relay with Weekend Connection
including items on spy shops & electronic eavesdropping, etc. SIO
3+54 & s/off to S Asia & ID at end. 1550-1557* 2/Dec --Zichi DXp

5995 RTV du Mali; 2115-20+, 1-Dec; M in FF w/cubano tunes. SIO=433,
need USB to kill roar QRM; //4835.4, SIO=3+32; nothing detecta-
ble on 4782. (Frodge-DXP)

MAURITANIA: 4845 Radio Mauritania at 2125 in Arabic. Strong signal
as usual. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

MOROCCO: 15345 RdfTV Marocaine at 1645 in Arabic. Music. (LC Dec 3

NETHERLANDS: 11655 Radio Nederland w/EE news & Weekend Connection SIO
4+3+3 heavy QRM from Cuba (qv) but readable in LSB. 1801-1816, 2/Dec
--Zichi DXp

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES: 17810 Radio Netherlands relay at 2152 in Dutch
to West Africa. (Who speaks Dutch there?) Good. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

NEW ZEALAND: 9765 (New Freq!) Radio New Zealand; 0835-1002 Request show
w/lots of moldy oldies, including 30s & 40s movie music, Bing Crosby
singing My Merry Oldsmobile, classical music, etc. Much complaining
about the state of the world & ‘wasn’t it better in the olden days back
when WE were young’ kind of stuff. Many mentions of NZ places, like
Christchurch & Aukland. I drifted in & out as I sort of slept with the
headphones on, but woke up @0955 as they were ending the pgm, to ID as;
This is the Nat'l Service of Radio New Zealand & t/c 11 O’clock with
time pips @ToH; News @1000. This is NOT the freq advertised in my many
lists--hot off the press guys! :) SIO 4+54+ in nicely! 2/Dec--Zichi DXp

9705 Radio Niger; 1932-2002+, 1-Dec; Hrd 2 IDs as Radio Niger and one
tent. as La Voix du Sahel; haven't hrd the RN ID before. M&W in FF
w/mix of cmtry & thumb harp music. SIO=232+, need USB to kill het
from 9704.2 (Ethiopia?). (Frodge-DXP)
9704.99 Radio Niger at 2007 in French. Moderate. ID at 2009 as Radio
Niger, not La Voix du Sahel. (LC Dec 1 Brighton)

4769.97 Radio Nigeria Kaduna at 2129 w/nx in English. Strong sig.
(LC Dec 2 Brighton)
7275 Radio Nigeria; 0617, 2-Dec; ID as Radio Nigeria rather than Voice
of Nigeria; M&W in EE w/news. SIO=322, AR QRM (Frodge-DXP)

NORTHERN MARIANAS: 6095 Voice of America (p) relay at 2040 in Mandarin.
Weak. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

4485.98 Radio Frequencia VH at 2332 in Spanish. Music. Faint.
(LC Dec 1 Brighton)
4485.97 Radio Frecuencia (t); 0114-20+, 2-Dec; M in SS w/EZL music;
Tent. break-in ID @0118+. Xmas tune @0120 then rlgs cmtry w/
Andean music. SIO=352 (Frodge-DXP)
4790.18 Radio Vision (p); 0003-0016+, 30-Nov; M in SS w/camp'o/rlgs
tunes & minute or so of cmtry between tunes; mentioned
"Peru" @0005. SIO=322, swiper QRM, USB best. (Frodge-MI)
4835.46 Radio Maranon (p); 0305-0309+*, 3-Dec; M in SS w/pop music;
promo @0307 "...por la radio..."; Off abruptly @0309+ in
middle of tune. 07 Passport shows 03*. SIO=342+ (Frodge-DXP)
5939.3 Radio Melodia (p); 1009-1020+, 3-Dec; M in SS w/Andean vocals,
possibly rlgs. SIO=322, tough copy due to 5935 WWCR QRM; USB
doesn't help. (Frodge-DXP)

7240 Deutsche Welle; 0607-12+, 2-Dec; From Africa to Europe; EE news
& African features. SIO=343; //7285 via UK, SIO=333 (Frodge-DXP)
11690 Deutsche Welle; 1912-17+, 1-Dec; M in EE w/world news. SIO=343+,
USB takes out ute. (Frodge-DXP)
15540 RDP at 2040 in Portuguese w/soccer. Fair signal. //15410. (LC
Dec 1 Brighton)

ROMANIA: 6150 Radio Romania Int'l at 0120 w/prg on multilingualism.
No Dr. Gene. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

RUSSIA: 6240 La Voz de Rusia; 0103-07+, 3-Dec; M in SS w/news & ID.
SIO=3+44; Relay from Cuba maybe? (Frodge-DXP)

RWANDA: 6145 Deutsche Welle relay at 2036 w/nx. Good, alternating
w/CRI. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

SAO TOME: 4940 Voice of America; 2017-30+, 1-Dec; M in EE w/neat Afro
music; Top 40 African Beat. Switched to LL @2030. SIO=343 (HF-DXP)

SAUDI ARABIA: 15380 BSKSA at 1250 in Arabic. Qur'an. Strong signal.
//17895 poor. (LC Dec 3 Brighton)

SEYCHELLES: 15420 BBC relay at 1650 w/soccer. Sat/Sun only. Excellent.
//15400 via Ascension (LC Dec 3 Brighton)

SINGAPORE: 9740 BBC relay at 1106 w/news. Good sig (LC Dec 3 Brighton)

SOMALIA: 6985 Radio Shabelle at 1913 in Somali. Not sure of exact xtr
qth. Clear ID. Somali has heavily trilled /r/'s, more than Arabic, etc.
(LC Dec 2 Brighton) (See also UNIDs)

SOUTH AFRICA: 7380 Voice of Biafra Int'l; 2202-20+, 2-Dec; Rlgs organ
music, EE ID & sung anthem, "prayer" about evil Nigeria, then news.
SIO=443+ (Frodge-DXP)

SPAIN: 9680 Radio Exterior de Espana; 2032-36+, 1-Dec; M in EE w/mix
of pop music. SIO=353. Hrd Thailand here at this time at October
DXpedition. (Frodge-DXP)

7580 Radio Farda; 2126, 2-Dec; W in LL w/ID, EE & LL pop music. SIO=
3+53+ (Frodge-DXP)
9645 Voice of America relay at 1530 w/mx. Strong, no flutter. (LC Dec
2 Brighton)

SWEDEN: 7420 Radio Sweden at 1102 in Swedish w/news. Good signal.
(LC Dec 3 Brighton)

TAIWAN: 7185 Radio Taiwan Int'l at 1044 in Mandarin. Fair. Taiwan
Service. No jamming heard. (LC Dec 3 Brighton)

TUNISIA: 7190 RTV Tunisienne w/AR OM tx & Arab Music, ID & Nx at ToH
read by 2 OM. SIO 353+ 0640-0705 2/Dec HFCC says from Sfax, Tunisia
--Zichi DXp

3185 WWRB Manchester TN w/Overcomer Radio, many repeats of the word
‘majesty’ sung like an IS & then into preaching at BoH sio 554+
0725-0735 2/Dec --Zichi DXp
5110.13 WBCQ Monticello ME; Weather Radio till 0601:30 then Good
Friends Radio on WBCQ. All in EE. SIO=323. LSB helps (Frodge-DXP)
5446.5/U AFN/AFRTS, Key West FL; 1035-45+, 3-Dec; NPR Car Talk. SIO=
454; //7811/U Key West, SIO=254-; 10320 Hawaii & 12133.5 Key West
not on; 5765 Guam supposedly on at this time is covered by WWCR.
5919.75 WBOH Newport NC at 1857. //WTJC. (LC Dec 1 Brighton)
9625.05 WMLK Bethel PA at 1851 w/Jacob-Oh-Meyer. Low audio as usual.
(LC Dec 1 Brighton)
9985 WWCR Manchester TN w/Religious pgm re King Soloman. SIO 353
0825-0830 2/Dec --Zichi DXp
11714.39 KJES Vado NM at 1505 w/Robo Priest. (LC Dec 2 Brighton)

9779.46 Rep. of Yemen Radio (p); 1918, 1-Dec; Childrens' pgm w/cow's
mooing; fanfare @1920 then M cmtry; all in AR. SIO=342+, QRN
9779.47 Radio Yemen (p) at 2022 talk in Arabic. (LC Dec 1 Brighton)

ZAMBIA: 4965 The Voice; 0026-0035+, 30-Nov; EE rlgs anmts, EE & LL
tunes. SIO=322, swiper QRM in USB, code QRM in LSB, LSB better.

(Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts/Tip Sheet # 439)