
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Blog Logs


Two UNIDed Kurdish stations and accompanied Iranian jammer noted on Fri 15th at around 1605-1630 UT. 3970.01 - most likely VoKomala - and nearby co-channel Iranian bubble jamming on 3970.78 kHz.

4364.05 VoIranian Communist Party/VoIranian Revolution [via
Turkmenistan?]. Both S=2 due of solar flare region.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX Dec 15)

3878v, Voice of Iranian Revolution, via Northern Iraq, *1520-1615, Dec 09
and 12, martial songs, 1525 IS for five minutes with theme from
"Schcherazada" by Rimsky-Korsakoff, 1530 ID in Kurdish: "Dangi shurashi
Iranya _ dangi shurashi Iranya _ dangi shurashi Iranya Kurdistana"
followed by "The Internationale". Then political talks in Kurdish and
jamming started 1530 on 3870. Until then 25232 heard // 4365, but nothing
around 6420.
(Anker Petersen-DEN; and Bjarke Vestesen-DEN; dswci DXW Dec 13)

3879.1, Voice of the Communist Party of Iran, via Northern Iraq, 1740-
1833*, Dec 02 and 12, Farsi, songs; drifted to 3878.06 at s/off, 32341,
jammed // 4374.6 also jammed.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR and Anker Petersen-DEN)

4365.5, Voice of Iranian Revolution, via Northern Iraq, *1520-1540, Dec
12, Kurdish // 3878v. Jamming started here at *1535 on 4365. Until then:
(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Dec 13)
(Source: WWDXC Top News (BC-DX #787)