
Thursday, December 28, 2006


CANADA-VA6RC, 15 meters SSB. Full data color map card via ARRL
(L Van Horn, NC)

GERMANY-DF3CB, 20/15 meters SSB. Full data color antenna card via ARRL.
DL0TS 20 meters SSB. Full data B&W photo card via ARRL
DL20BO 10 meters SSB. Full data color photo card via ARRL.
(L Van Horn, NC)

I received a full data QSL letter/folder stamped and signed by Chief of the Technical services and a sticker from Radio Television de Djibouti for a reception report on 4780 kHz in 64 days. I mailed them a printed report along with 2 IRCs as return postage. The QSL shows a black and white photo of the Radio station along with broadcast schedules of radio and TV (time & freq)
in French. Radio frequencies mentioned are 1116, 1539 medium wave and 4780 kHz. Broadcast starts from 0300-2000 GMT(still they use it istead of UT) and languages are Afar, Somali and Arabic. (But I monitored them in French too!). E-mail of technical department:, and address Boite Postale 97, Djibouti, Rep of Djibouti.
(Source: T.R.Rajeesh, Kerala, INDIA/HCDX)

Radio Bata, Eqt. Guinea, 5005. Full Data QSL Letter in 15 years of trying for a October 2005 reception report. (Stephen J. Price/PA)
(Source: NASWA Flash Sheet # 254)

EUROPIRATE. Cupid Radio, 15070, nice package from Dutch operator Rinus in 2 weeks
for CD I made of over 1-1/2 hours of prgming recorded on Nov 18th between 1430 and 1600 UTC. Sent 2 new QSL designs, info sheets with photos, postcard, and 3 crisp $1 U.S. bills to reimburse me for mailing the CD. (Herkimer, NY)
(Source: NASWA Flash Sheet #255)

9960, R. Station "Tichiy Okean", Vladivostok; friendly e-mail from Alexey Giryuk (Technical Department Engineer), with an attachment containing the new Pacific State Television and Broadcasting Company "Vladivostok" QSL (nice blue QSL with f/d, but with the wrong time;
should have been 0935-1000 UTC); in 8 days, for an e-mailed report, with an attached audio clip of my reception. The card shows "Tichiy Okean" in quotes, not the usually seen spelling of Tikhiy Okean. E-mail: and website: R. Station "Tichiy Okean", Vladivostok is on both 5960 kHz and 7330 kHz, from 0935-1000 UTC.
(Ron Howard, Monterey,CA)

ST. HELENA - R. St. Helena, 11092.5, special QSL issued by DSWCI for reception of Nov. 4th R. St. Helena Day broadcast. In 5 weeks for postal report to DSWCI HQ and $1. V/s Anker Petersen. Tnx, Anker! (Herkimer, NY)
(Source: NASWA Flash Sheet # 255)