
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Update on Romanian private stations

ROMANIA The following new private stations are licensed on low power MW
frequencies: Radio Vocea Sperantei (religious) in Botosani on 1485 and in
Bistrita on 1602 kHz; Radio Sud in Giurgiu on 1584 kHz; Radio 7 Est in
Iasi on 1584 kHz.
(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Dec 16)
Strange item ! According to RRI German letterbox today Dec 17:
RRI German at 1200-1300 UT suffered by severe echo on 11940 kHz in past
weeks. Many complaints by the German language listener audience occured
then. The technical editor Alexandrescu discovered the cause, that both
outlets used 11940 kHz via Galbeni EaROM and Tiganesti SoROM sites, and
never synchronicized the audio !! see WRTH page 465.
One tx site moved to 11790 kHz now.
RRI Italian noted on 7170 kHz at 1630-1700 today Dec 17. [x7135??]
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX Dec 16)
Summary of private radio stations on mediumwave:
1485 (1kW): Micul Samaritean in Bacau and Medias
1485 (1kW): Micul Samaritean planned (licensed) in Oradea
1485 (1kW): Vocea Sperantei planned (licensed) in Botosani (fq formerly
licensed to R. Favorit)
1584 (1kW): Micul Samaritean in Bistrita, Craiova, Radauti, Sighetul
Marmatiei and Suceava
1584 (1kW): Radio Sud planned (licensed) in Giurgiu
1584 (1kW): Radio 7 Est planned (licensed) in Iasi (fq formerly licensed
to R. Favorit)
1602 (1kW): Micul Samaritean in Piatra Neamt
1602 (1kW): Radio Sud Est in Slobozia
1602 (1kW): Radio CNM in Arad
1602 (1kW): Vocea Sperantei planned (licensed) in Bistrita (fq formerly
licensed to R. Favorit)
The following licenses expired or were withdrawn:
Aurora FM (Bacau & Galati 1584, Focani & Iasi 1602), R. Maria (Oradea
1584), R. Favorit (Botosani 1485, Iasi 1584 and Bistrita 1602), Micul
Samaritean in Fagaras, Sannicolau Mare and Tulcea on 1584.
(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Dec 19)
(Source: WWDXC Top News (BC-DX #787)