
Thursday, December 28, 2006

What is in the January MT shortwave columns ?

The New Year is almost here, and time for a brief review of what is being featured for my shortwave columns in the January issue of Monitoring Times.
For January, we'll begin in QSL Report with a focus on LOWfers and MEDfers, while the DX season remains in prime time a few months longer. Just what is this strange sounding part of the radio hobby and what goes into QSLing them ? Did you know there is a website and club devoted to this challenging part of the radio spectrum ?

QSL contributors reported verifications from Amateur Radio, Clandestine, Guam, Mali, Medium Wave, Moldova, Netherlands Antilles, Thailand, United Kingdom and the United States.
If you're looking for logs, check out the Broadcast Logs column with logs from 0015 UTC Czech Republic's Radio Prague to Egypt's Radio Cairo at 2340 UTC. There's a bevy of stations from many worldwide stations to keep you band scanning for hours.
Don't forget the center Shortwave Guide for the latest English shortwave and DRM by-hour frequency listigs. Frequencies are revised monthly, and remain M.T.'s most current source for hobbyists.
Finally, in What's New, theres a review of the Passport to World Band Radio 2007. Receiver reviews, features, Addresses Plus and Passport's Blue Pages section have become standards in the radio hobby.
There's also a review on the popular book, 208 It Was Great-Radio Luxembourg. In it's heyday it was called The Station of the on and you'll learn what made 'Radio Luxy' the powerhouse of Europe.
Best wishes for the coming year, and get ready for a super edition from January 2007 Monitoring Times.
Gayle Van Horn