
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Dominican Republic monitoring

DOMINICAN REP 5009.75 Radio Pueblo on Dec 29 at 1132-1158 UT, Spanish. Energetic Latin music with lively vocals, brass and prominent percussion and regular "Radio Pueblo" IDs heard. Brief English ID by OM at 1146 UT, mentioning "Santo Domingo," "English," "two frequencies," "AM Stereo on coast-to-coast on Radio Crystal International." This was heard at a very
good level until 1158 UT when an overwhelming noise burst ruined reception. This seemed to be concentrated around this frequency, and after several re-checks it was gone. Also zero-beated frequency to 5010 kHz, so perhaps AIR carrier was present.
(Ross Comeau-MA-USA, DXplorer Dec 29)

5009.76 R. Pueblo?, Santo Domingo, *1102-1115+ Dec 21, TENTATIVE. Abrupt sign-on with Spanish talk, no ID heard. Fair.
5009.78 R. Cristal, 1120-1130 Dec 25, noted steady Salsa type music, canned ID in Spanish and English at 1129 as ". . . R. Cristal . . ." This followed with a promo, then back to music. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland-FL, HCDX Dec 31)
(Source: WWDXC -Top News (BC-DX # 789)

5009.8v, R Cristal International, Santo Domingo, *1100v-1230, Dec 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20 and 25, reactivated, all fast-moving Spanish talk from popping on in mid-program around 1100, interrupted for some advs every few minutes, long string of numbers given, mention of Presidente Leonel Fernandez Reyna, Fidel Castro Ruz. "En la capital de la Republica Dominica, R Cristal, buenas dias," news, 1129 canned ID in Spanish and English as “... Radio Cristal...”, 1135 and 1230 several IDs as “Radio Pueblo”, “La emisora [grando] . . . Pueblo . . . HIBL . . . Santo Domingo . . .”. Salsa type music. At 1050-1100 on Dec 20, tentative "Radio Mil" ID by man repeated. Only one syllable in the ID, not Pueblo or Cristal. Muddy modulation but signal fairly good. (Berg, Bolland, D’Angelo/FCDX, Herkimer and Wilkner). Also heard at 2300-2400*, Dec 24, with IDs at 2210 and 2311 in English as "Radio…… International," maybe using Cristal ID, weak signal and QRM Madagascar that night. (Berg and Herkimer/DSWCI-DX Window 314)