
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Blog Logs

The following Blog Logs, represent a sample of those included in the current World Wide DX Club newsletter. All times UTC.

Gayle VH

BURKINA FASO 5030 RTV Burkina (pres) 2317-2358* Jan 18. Short vocal numbers and drumming solos with man & woman ancrs chatting briefly after each selection; this continued to 2358 at which time the station went off with no fanfare. Fair signal but competing with band noise so could not determine language for sure, although it seemed vernacular.
(John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer Jan 21)
R Burkina, Ouagadougou, sent me an e-mail QSL from I sent them a postal report with 1 IRC, nevertheless I received this! It is signed by the Chief of Programmes Pascal 5 Goba who writes that they regularly receive reception reports from DX-ers (auditeurs "lointains") in America, Asia, Europe and the Pacific. SW schedule is 0530-0800 and 1700-
2400 on 5030, and 0800-1700 on 7230 kHz. (T. Ramachandran Rajeesh-IND, dswci DXW Jan 25)

ERITREA 9650 Eritrea (pres.) native songs around 0600, weak, not much above N-floor.
(Vlad Titarev-UKR, DXplorer Jan 27)

ETHIOPIA 9704.2 ETH M talk in vern, local music, best in lsb (coz of co-chan QRM: Niger in French) (Vlad Titarev-UKR, DXplorer Jan 27)
7165.12 V. of Democratic Alliance via Gedja (pres) 1500-1538 Jan 20. Opening annmt in Ar (?), talk to 1508, then a mix of mx and talk past 1530. Fair but slowly deteriorating; was // to 9559.91 which was fair at best. 9560v used to have a VG signal at this time but has significantly
diminished over the past few months/years. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer Jan 21)
9559.85V R. Ethiopia Jan 16 *1600-1606 25442 English, 1600 sign on with
IS, Opening announce, Talk and music, 9560.23 R. Ethiopia Jan 10 1359-1405 24442 Arabic, 1359 IS, Three gongs, News,
9704.17 R. Ethiopia Jan 16 *1459-1510 34432 Amharic, 1459 sign on with IS, ID, Three gongs, Talk, (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Jan 19)

FRANCE 9800 TWR Fontbonne on Jan 22 at 0756-0818 UT (faded out). 33232 Talk and music in English. ID at 0800 as This is TWR. (Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium Jan 26)
RTI Radio Taiwan International via ISS relay - Frequency change. New freq 11995 (replacing 9785 kHz). 1600-1700 UT, via Issoudun. Eff from Feb? 25, to March 25, 2007. English to South Asia. (Alokesh Gupta-IND, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 25)
x9785 1600-1700 zones 41,49 ISS 500kW 75deg English F NEW TDF 41 Pakistan, India, Bangladesh. 49 SoEa Asia.

17875D Radio France International Jan 18 1401 News in Spanish, IDs and RFI stingers, Spanish programming to 1430, then into French with French news, talk about music, time pips at 1500, time check for Brasilia, into Portuguese program. (Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, DXplorer Jan 21)

GABON 4777 Radio Gabon heard at 0520 UC with 44333 in French, identifying several times as "Radio National". It seems that it is not every morning there. (Erich Bergmann-D, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 25)
4605 RRI Serui on Jan. 21 at 1430-1459 (sign off) UT. 43443 Talk and music in Indonesian. ID at 1452 UTas Radio Republik Indonesia Serui. (Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium Jan 26)
3995.04 RRI Kendari at 1418-1458 on Jan 27. Uninterrupted music which sounded like a blend of sub-continental and Javanese music; a male announcer appeared at 1458 but was too weak to copy. I did not detect any programming after 1500, although the carrier stayed on, so presume the man was doing the s/off routine. Fair at best, competing with band noise and hams.
4869.93 RRI Wamena at 1346-1400* on Jan 25. Indo vocals to 1359, then into Love Ambon after a short anmt. Rough copy, about even with the local noise. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer Jan 27)

IRAN/IRAQ CLANDESTINE 3879.83V V. of Iranian Revolution Jan 16 *1526-1541 35322-33332-34433 Kurdish, 1526 sign on with IS, Repetition of IS and ID, 1530 ID and opening music, Opening announce, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Jan 19)

KUWAIT 13620D Radio Kuwait Jan 19 1320 Techno music, talk by YL in Arabic, off at 1329; marginal, about 50% copy on this 11 kbps signal at about 11-14 dB S/N; surprisingly good given QRM from Family Radio in analog Spanish on 13615. (Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, DXplorer Jan 21)

MALI 4835.4 R Mali, Bamako some evenings // 5995 also audible, both weak, e.g. Jan 13 at 2200 UT. At that time also 5030 Burkina, 5025 Parakou and 5005 Bata comes in with decent reception. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 21)

9705 ORTN. Jan 19 at 2058-2120 UT. SINPO 35433. Female talk in vernacular till 2100 UT, then ID in French as "Ici...Office de Radiodiffusion Television du Niger..." News followed.
(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Jan 26)

PERU 3172.65 Radio Municipal, Panao once again heard on this frequency at 1000 to 1023 on 19 January after an absence of two weeks.

3329.53 Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco 1003 with poor quality signal, music ...very weak for last week. 19 Jan.

4746.754 Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta 0950 -1005 with om ID as such, change from two frequencies used in last few weeks.

4890.38 Radio Chota possibly, but no ID 1050 to 1110 17 January.
4855.39 Radio La Hora, Cusco, 1000 to 1100, 17 to 20 January. Rapid transmitter drift noted in ECSS, very noticeable transmitter drift. (Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, DXplorer Jan 21)

SOUTH AFRICA [Clandestine to Zimbabwe] 4880 SW R Africa Jan 21 1850-1859* with nice native songs & IDing as "SW R Africa - Zimbabwe's Independent Voice". Off at 1859. Earlier the evening had a programme commemorating Martin Luther King. Fair. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 21)

TAIWAN/CHINA 7390 Little Saigon Radio at 1500-1530 UT, Taipei 100kW 250degr log-periodic Vietnamese. Ex 7380, changed on Jan 17. (wb, Jan 21)
Sound of Hope jamming today was on the odd frequency of 9203.0 kHz until 1300 UT. No jamming on 10400, but a continuous carrier may have been SOH with audio missing. Nothing on 14500 while the 13970 jammer was active around 1100 UT. (Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 26)

VIETNAM 9875 Home service of Voice of Vietnam. Jan. 20 at 0709-0745 UT in Vietnamese. SINPO 35333. Talk with some interview. ID at 0729 UT, followed by music program with classical music. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Jan 26)

YEMEN 6135, Yemen (Sana'a), fair/poor 0500-0530 (before 0500 DW/Arabic and after 0530 BBC/Hausa co-channels). Very regular catch in B06. Loosy since 06z when BBC left (seemingly W news in Arabic then). (Vlad Titarev-UKR, DXplorer Jan 27)
(Source: WWDXC -Top News BCDX # 792 via Wolfgang Bueschel)