
Friday, February 16, 2007

Blog Logs

Loggings via World Wide DX Club. All times UTC // parallel frequency

CLANDESTINE 7280 Andenet Ledemocracy seems to be here after all. Feb 8 I tuned in to hear VOA (Tinang in Bengali) go off at 1659. VoV then very strong on the channel, but weak male in typical Amharic progr underneath. Some 20 mins only VoV could be heard, but (Amharic) again underneath from 1745. Splash from 7285 didn't make the reception easier. I think it a good idea to move away from that frequency, as intended by Ludo Maes. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 8) Samara site 250 kW 188degr, wb.
11900 Tensae Ethiopia V. of Unity on Feb 08 at *1500-1510 UT. 35222-35322 Amharic, 1500 UT sign on with opening music, Opening announce, Ethiopian pops music and talk.
(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 8) Armavir Krasnodar-RUS (wb)

INDONESIA 4790 RRI Fak-Fak, on Feb 5 at 2150 UT, YL in Bahasa Indonesia w/short mx pieces in between items. At 2200 UT news from Jakarta // 3215.1 Manado, 3266.4 Gorontalo, 3325 Palangkaraya, 3976.1 Pontianak (still 2240+), 4605 Serui, 4874.6 Sorong. Warta berita best on 3266.4. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 5)
4749.99 RRI Makassar, 1341, Jan 29. Chanting style mx w/flutes. Fair-poor
above noise level. (Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, DXplorer Feb 4)
9525.98 Voice of Indonesia on Feb 2nd at 1200-1208 UT. 54444 Korean, News, ID at 1200 UT.
9743.36 RRI Sorong on Feb 8 at 0610-0635 UT. 25442 Indonesian, Talk and music, ID at 0631 UT. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 8)

JAPAN 3925 R Nikkei (pres), Feb 5, audible 2205-fade out time ard 2235 with Japanese YL talking. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 5)
3925 R. Nikkei, 1355 Feb 3. Weak signal among ham activity. OM & YL chatter mixed with short mx selections. (Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, DXplorer Feb 4)

KOREA D.P.R. 9664.95 KRE Pyongjang at 1405 UT. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 3)
3320 PBS Pyongyang, Feb 5, 2220 Korean talk, weak // 6250.1 & 6398.8 (both strong). Something on 3250 kHz as well, but could establish whether in //. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 5)

KYRGYZSTAN 4010, Feb 3, 2259 IS, 2300: NA,IDs in Kyrgyz & Russian (both females), program sked, weather report.... Fairly strong but heaviest static: poor overall. (-6C at my loc, 0+5C in Bishkek ( their anncmt).
4050,Feb 3, 2259 xURS tune-up tones, R. Rossii started since 2300. Now while writing this I can hear those both at "4" (Kyrgyz State Radio 4010 with national sx, 4050 RR with world's pops (both are closing -1800* - from prev days). (Vlad Titarev-UKR, DXplorer Feb 4)
5010 R. Madagasikara, 0323, Jan 30. OM & YL in presumed Malgasy w/ musical interludes. Fair signal. (Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, DXplorer Feb 4)
MALI News in English RTM Bamako, comments and weekly survey of events in Mali were heard on Febr 3rd at 1907-1923 UT on 4835 and on 5995 kHz (but here jammed by DRM). (Rumen Pankov-RUS, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 6)
PERU 5602.6 R. La Voz de los Andes, 0128 Jan 31, fair and in the clear with great rustic music, animated DJ with many TC's, local anmts, ments of Piura and Huancabamba. At one point DJ yelled ID/ slogan as "Radio La Voz del Pueblo." (John Herkimer-NY-USA, DXplorer Feb 4)
5939.3 R .Melodia, Arequipa, 2312-2320, 03 Feb, Spanish, talks on health (reumatism treatment); 24342, adjt. QRM.
9720 R. Vitoria, Lima, 1120-f/out 1150, 03 Feb, Portuguese/Spanish, preaching; 15421. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 5)

(Source: WWDXC Top News (BC-DX # 794 via Wolfgang Bueschel)