
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pirate radio logs from Free Radio Weekly

This weeks selection of pirate radio station loggings, are courtesy of the fine folks of Free Radio Weekly. Looks like this was a stellar week for the bizarre!
Gayle VH

James Bond Radio.6925u USA, Pirate, 2026-2038*. Date: 01/28/2007 Themes from James Bond movies. Two different IDs given several times during bx: "Bond, James Bond,: and "Bond, James Bond-Stirred, not shaken."Very good signal that started to diminish at 2035. Good. (Wood, TN).

Love T-Rex6925 usb 1/31/07 21:25-22:00 ID, special Ed says this is T-Rex show #2, telling us all to watch Crank Yankers. monkey sounds and T-Rex. (SIO 333, RD)

MAC, 3275 AM, 0155-0215+, 28 January 07. Paul Starr with lots of nice oldies such as "All Along The Watchtower" by Hendrix. Email: [Lobdell-MA]

PUNXUTAWNEY POTHEAD RADIO:6925/U, *2136:56-2136:45*, *2137:44-2200+, 1-Feb; On w/Cat Scratch Fever; ID & PO Box 1 Belfast drop then more pothead music. SIO=353+ Last heard 1-Feb-06! I note that voice was mainly uncopyable then too. (Frodge-MI)
Power 936925 usb 1/28/07 21:30-21:41 "The bastard child of the radio dial.... Power 93" rock mx (SIO 322, RD)

T-Rex6925usb 1/28/7 21:24 sio333 lots of "Yays", T-Rex music, I think the op letting us know that he has to go poop, "I like monkeys" (
Total Control Radio6925usb 1/28/7 23:05 sio333 Heard a robot voice saying "Attention!" over and over on 6925usb a few minutes ago. It faded away without anything else coming on. This must have been Total Control Radio, aslogged by Ragnar on the FRN.(

Underpants Radio
6925U *2123-2146* 1/27/07 SIO=242. Most of the prgm was an OM ancr talking over some synthesized rock mx. The OM identified himself as "underman." He likes his underpants, and he went into great detail about how he takes great joy from a new pair of underpants. He gave his philosophy at 2148, "It doesn't get any better than a brand new pair of underpants." To each his own. No addr ancd. (Zeller-OH)

WPMR, WASABI PEA MAN RADIO:6925.5/AM, 2130:36-2232, 2-Feb; On w/ head banger tune & repeated IDs. M&W talking about eating beans, making methane & ethanol; Wasabe Pea Man, the most environmentally friendly super hero; more head-banger music & many IDs. Some IDs sounded like Doggy, Froggy & Soggy He Man. SIO=353- till about 2148 when sig got very fady, then improved again about 2200 to 3+53+. Didn"t go off, but went right into Tire Pressure Radio. (PSE QSL Frodge-MI)

WTPR Tire Pressure Radio;6925/U, 2122-2128:45*, 2-Feb; Best pirate on the air by far! TirePressure Curse; Tire Pressure Punishment; Tire Pressure Zone—enjoy your flat tires; w/long list of Pirates, Pirate DXers & FRN posters. SIO=3+53+ (PSE QSL Frodge-MI)
(Source: Free Radio Weekly # 573 via Edward Kusalik VE6EFK)