
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blog Logs - Bolivia

The following Bolivian logs, represent those recently monitored via contributors from DX Window and World Wide DX Club.
Gayle VH


3215, R Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 1040-1100, Feb 18, Spanish, relay WEWN, ID 1100 "...los oyentes de Radio Virgen de Remedios prepararse para asistir la santa misa...". Also tentatively heard 0010, Feb 17 with Spanish relay of WEWN, QRM WWCR. (Aragão in HCDX). Only WWCR audible here at 0420 on Feb 20. Ex 4545! (Petersen, DX Window # 318)

3310 R. Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2321-2327, 17 Feb, Quechua, talks, phone-ins, Indian songs; 44343, adjt. uty. QRM (WWDXC Top News (BC DX #796 via Wolfgang Bueschel).

4600.65, R Perla de Acre, Cobija, 1020-1100, Feb 12, 14 and 15, Spanish comments with music, ID's as "Radio Perla". Signal was fair. Not to be confused with still operating 4600.22 Honduran harmonic. (Bolland and Wilkner, (Petersen, DX Window # 318)

4690.87, UNID, 1035-1050 fade out, Feb 12, various persons in Spanish comments. No ID heard. Could be R San Miguel which was heard around 4695 a couple of weeks ago. (Bolland, (Petersen, DX Window # 318)

4728.2, R Aripalca, Aripalca, Depto. Potosi, 1038, Feb 13, music, Spanish ID "...estas en sintonía de Radio Aripalca...", "...Radio Aripalca, la voz de nuestra gente...", relay news TV ATB. New station in Comunidad de Aripalca, Municipio de Vitichi, Provincia Nor Chichas, Departamento de Potosi, Bolivia. 2.800 m.s.n.m. (Aragão in HCDX). Possibly heard here at 1040-1050 fade, or lost signal, Feb 14. (Wilkner). (Cf. UNID Bolivian in DX-Window no. 316 and 317. Ed, (Petersen, DX Window # 318)

4796.47, R Mallku, Uyuni, Potosi, 1005-1015, Feb 14, rustic flutes, TC and local ann, clear canned ID by woman at 1015, into more talk regarding local economy. Fair with CODAR. (Herkimer in Dxplorer, (Petersen, DX Window # 318)

5952.4 R. Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2331-2340, 18 Feb, Spanish, talks, advertiments, Quechua, announcements; 34433, adj. QRM. (WWDXC Top News (BC DX #796) via Wolfgang Bueschel)

5952.42, R Pio XII, Siglo XX, 1028-1100 fade out, Feb 10 and 15, steady Spanish comments with a TC at 1030, instrumental music. Poor in splatter from Family R 5950. (Bolland and Herkimer). Also heard 2243-0130, Feb 07 and 10, talks in Spanish and nice Bolivian music, best in LSB 12321. (Bernardini and Méndez, (Petersen, DX Window # 318)

5967.805, R Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni, 1020-1045 fade, Feb 13, Spanish ann: "...viente cuatro minutos... Radio Nacional... melodia encadada...Santiago ...y instutitu de...." with frequent short music bridges. (Wilkner, (Petersen, DX Window # 318)

6025, R Illimani/Patria Nueva (p), 1034, Feb 16, fast paced alternating news items in Spanish by man and woman, mentions of Bolivia. No ID and too far down to do anything with. (Herkimer in Dxplorer, (Petersen, DX Window # 318)

6105.5 R. Panamericana, La Paz, 2304-2314, 17 Feb, Spanish, religious text; 53442, adjt. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 21,WWDXC Top News (BC DX #796 via Wolfgang Bueschel)

6134.81, R Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1025-1034, Feb 14, upbeat morning program, local music, ann with frequent TC's and station promos. Local news items at 1034 with brief music breaks, fair. (Herkimer in Dxplorer, (Petersen, DX Window # 318)

9624.97 Radio Fides, La Paz, 2345-0000, February 18, Spanish, Catholic program in live from a important church in La Paz, ann. & ID as: "Esta es la transmision de Radio Fides, La Paz, desde el Templo ... para oyentes impedidos de asistir a la Santa Misa". Other ID as: "Esta escuchando
Radio Fides...", musical jingle (" voz amiga...", 22432. (Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 23, WWDXC Top News (BC DX #796 via Wolfgang Bueschel)