
Monday, March 26, 2007

Blog Logs - China DXpedition

Let's hear it for Ron Howard, who has been DXing from Shanghai, China. That's what I call a DXpedition! Thanks very much for your contributions.
Gayle Van Horn

Ron Howard - Shanghai, China Etón E5 all times UTC kHz
CHINA. 6060, Sichuan PBS-2, 1126-1224, March 24, traditional Chinese music, BoHtheir usual canned program ID (consists of a musical fanfare, followedby an ID in Chinese by YL & OM [lists frequencies of 954 kHz. and 5900kHz.] and ending with an OM in English: "This is the Voice of GoldenBridge"), // 7225, fair-poor. The programming is only in Chinese(Mandarin). First time I have been able to hear them here in Shanghai. Have somewhat better reception back in Calif. (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China)

CLANDESTINE. 6045, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, *2030-2100*, March25; first day via Yamata transmitter, piano IS, YL non-stop talking(believe in Japanese) over piano music, 2056 sign-off announcement,good reception, no hint of any jamming. (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China)

GUAM, 9720, AWR-Voice of Hope, 2138-2200*, March 23, in English;program about the 7 pillars of Christianity; many IDs, gives addressas: A.W.R., P.O. Box 17, Pune, Maharashtra, India; fair-good. (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China)

INDIA. 4970, AIR-Shillong, 1602-1630*, March 24, OM DJ in English,with pop songs (Whitney Houston "I Wanna Dance With Somebody"),sign-off with: "This is the North Eastern Service of All India Radiobroadcasting from Shillong on 60... meters, 4970 kHz", fair. (RonHoward, Shanghai, China)

INDIA. 15075, AIR Bengaluru/Bangalore (presumed), 0523-0530*, March23, sub-contintent music, fair-poor. (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China)

PHILIPPINES. 15115, R. Pilipinas/VOP, 0253-0322, March 23 & 24, inEnglish; "Dateline", from the Presidential Palace in Manila; "ThePhilippines Today", many IDs: "Radio Philipinas Overseas, The Voice ofthe Philippines", "More than 7,100 islands make up the Philippines",// 15230, both fair-good. (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China)