
Monday, March 05, 2007

Private Citizens Liberating North Korea with Shortwave Radio

By Kevin Kane, Intern
[2007-03-05 00:45 ]
Before arriving in South Korea after moving here from the U.S., I never
imagined that my journey would involve meeting people who are fighting on
the front lines of North Korea¡¯s liberation, but that is exactly where my
travels brought me on 23 March 2007. It was mid-afternoon and Ha Tae-Kyoung,
President of Open Radio for North Korea (ORNK) invited me into his office to
discuss ORNK¡¯s operations. Despite the smell of stale coffee, old
furniture, mildew and heater fuel, Ha Tae-Kyoung appeared un-phased and
eager to explain the importance of their radio transmissions over North
Korea-an operation that not too long ago, would have been considered only
permissible for clandestine government organizations.

Anyone Can Broadcast

Ha explained that ORNK allows individuals, student groups, and private
organizations to broadcast messages to North Korean people through shortwave
radio. ORNK uses shortwave radio primarily because unlike AM and FM
frequencies that are controlled by national governments and have a limited
range, shortwave can be sent anywhere in the world and with little legal
limitations. Ha stated that ORNK does not prepare the messages sent to North
Korea; rather, you, the audience, submit the messages. Eagerly burning the
midnight oil to overcome the radio censorship in North Korea, Ha and his
staff, which is partly comprised of North Korean defectors, broadcast your
messages over North Korea between 11 and 12pm.

Shortwave Radios in North Korea

According to Ha, shortwave radios are growing in popularity in North Korea
and more people are acquiring them through China for about US $5.00. Ha went
on to point out that if more North Koreans owned shortwave radios, ORNK
would be able to reach a larger audience and have a greater impact on North
Korean human rights.

Ha stated that possessing a shortwave radio is against the law in North
Korea; however, those caught with them usually do not serve time in prison.
Before the 1980¡¯s, a North Korean caught with a radio capable of listening
to outside broadcasts could be sentenced to death. However, corruption in
North Korea is too widespread for even Kim Jong-il to control. Corruption is
a way of life in North Korea. Consequently, the security agents only
confiscate the radios as punishment. The agents then turn around and sell
them in the black market for their own personal profit. They do not record
finding the radio because if they were to report its existence, they would
not be able to sell them for their $5.00 value, which is nice boost in
income when considering that they earn $1.00 to $2.00 monthly salary. On the
other hand, if North Korean security agents happen to catch someone
listening to foreign transmissions on a radio, the lawbreaker will likely
spend time in a prison camp like Yodok, one of the many Gulags
(concentration camps) in North Korea.

More Listeners Needed

Ha pointed out that ORNK would be able to reach more North Korean listeners
if more of them were able to afford the $5.00 radios made in China-something
a private effort could facilitate by purchasing radios for smugglers
returning to North Korea from China. With the number of ORNK listeners
increasing, the number of defectors that report having listened to a
shortwave radio transmission also increases. In one study conducted in 2001,
about 2% of defectors that were hiding in China reported listening to a
shortwave radio. In 2005, the Korea Press Foundation found that about 4% of
defectors reported listening to a shortwave radio before making it to South
Korea. Early 2006, Lee Young Ho, (pseudonym, age 33) from North Korea told
the Daily NK that, "The number of houses listening to foreign radio around
the border area reaches about five or six out of ten¡¦I listened to Open
Radio for North Korea around December 10th last year. When I heard that
there had been a conference on North Korean human rights, I started to have

Liberation Requires Privatized Support

Despite the recent claim by the North Korea government that radio
transmissions have no effect on North Korea, evidence says otherwise. Open
Radio for North Korea is one of many organizations that broadcast shortwave
radio to North Korea. Free North Korea Radio (FNKR) is another short wave
radio organization dedicated to broadcasting over North Korea. Speaking to
National Public Radio, Kim Sung-min, a former North Korean military
propaganda writer and employee of Free North Korea Radio stated, "We want to
contribute to the downfall of the North Korean regime¡¦ Not in a forceful,
violent way, but by teaching North Koreans what democracy means, so they
will initiate change themselves."

The privatized efforts of ORNK and FNKR are led by honorable men and women
who are battling an information war at the front lines of liberation. They
are feeding the growing demand for freedom in North Korea through the
transmission of education, democracy, and liberty; they are educating North
Koreans about their innate human rights. Because shortwave radio represents
the only voice of hope for so many oppressed North Koreans, their future
depends on the people of the free world to take action, extend their
generosity and financial support, and participate in this private attempt to
help North Koreans free themselves from misinformation and oppression. These
shortwave radio organizations are informing North Koreans that freedom of
speech is their right. ORNK provides North Koreans with hope that they too
can one day join the world of the free. They are learning that freedom of
speech is an innate right that when taken away, is against the good nature
and order at which human beings expresses themselves.
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, India via Rachel Baughn)