
Friday, March 09, 2007

Swaziland DXpedition planned

3DA, SWAZILAND. To celebrate the 75th Jubilee of the Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS), a group of IRTS members plan a "AFRI75 Dxpedition 2007" to Swaziland between March 16-30th. Activity for this DXpedition will also cover St. Patrick’s Day and the CQWW WPX SSB Contest.

The call signs to be used will be published as soon as available. The DXpedition’s leader is IRTS Vice President Paul Martin, EI2CA. Currently, the following members have signed up for the DXpedition: Peter/EI7CC, Aidan/EI8CE, Paddy/EI8BFB, David/EI4DJ (GI4FUM), Rory/EI4DJB, Brendan/EI3GV, Pete/GI4VIV and Paul/EI2CA. A private UK/Ireland YAHOO newsgroup for this DXpedition is available at:
Admission to this group is by request only and is at the discretion of the group moderators. Skeds may also be requested to any of the DXpedition members.
(Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #792)
(Source: Ham Radio Corner via David Ross, ODXA Feb 07)