
Monday, April 16, 2007

Blog Logs

This morning's Blog Logs, feature logs from new contributor, Brian Alexander. Thanks very much Brian for sharing these fine observations with our blog readers. How about it blog readers...have you sent yours in today yet ?

**BULGARIA. 9900, Radio Varna, 2057-2205+, April 15, Tune-in to Dionne Warwick music. Time pips & National Anthem at 2100 followed by news in presumed Bulgarian. Radio Varna ID at 2107. A variety of local pop music, light instrumental music, & classical music. Talk. ID at 2201. Fair to good. Sunday only. (Brian Alexander,

**CROATIA. 6165, Croatian Radio-Voice of Croatia, 0600-0603, April 15, Three minute English program with IDs & English news. // 9470-via Germany. Both frequencies fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)

ERITREA. 7100, Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea-Program 1, Asmara, *0354--0425+, April 12, Sign on with IS. Talk in local language at 0400. Some Horn of Africa music. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)

**ERITREA. 7175, Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea-Program 2, Asmara, *0354-0425+, April 12, Sign on with IS. Talk in local language at 0400. Lite instrumental music. Horn of Africa music. Poor under a presumed Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (Germany) but in the clear at 0400 when they leave the air. (Brian Alexander,PA)

**ETHIOPIA. 7210, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 0325-0345+, April 12, Horn of Africa music, talk in local language. Poor under BBC but in the clear at 0329 when BBC leaves the air. Weaker on // 6109.92 but only audible after TWR leaves the air at 0332. (Brian Alexander, PA)

*LIBYA. (via France?), 17870, 21695, Voice of Africa, 1406-1557* April 15, Opening English announcements at 1406. Program about human rights. News at 1437. Local music. Heard on these 2 frequencies 2 days in a row! Both frequencies with fair to good reception. (Brian Alexander, PA)

**SOUTH AFRICA? 3320, Radio Sonder Grense?, Meyerton, 0520-0557*, April 15, Tentative. Very distorted signal with talk & music. Too distorted to catch any further details. I guess this could be South Africa, although South Africa is scheduled to sign off at 0530. (Brian Alexander, PA)