
Friday, April 27, 2007

Blog Logs

Thanks very much to John Wilkins and Ron Howard, for sending in today's Blog Logs. Hope your weekend DX is prime.
Gayle VH

AUSTRALIA - 2485 VL8K Katherine 1213-1233 Apr 27. Sports roundup
w/details of games. Fair and // 2310 (poor) and 2325 (fair/poor).

CLANDESTINE (No. Korea) - Shiokaze/Sea Breeze *1300-1330 Apr 27. Cancel
my previous comment about Shiokaze no longer using "Sea Breeze" in their
ID's. Noted today (Friday) in EG with details on selected abductees, such
as place and date of abduction (all in the early 1970's in this program),
physical description, what they were doing when adbucted, etc.;
occasional ID's as "Shiokaze Sea Breeze from Tokyo, Japan". Today's
program was presented by a female ancr, whereas as Monday's EG program,
the standard chronological list, was by a male ancr and the only ID's
were "Shiokaze Two". As usual, went right into Korean pgm at 1330.

CLANDESTINE (No. Korea). 9485, Shiokaze - Sea Breeze via Taiwan,
1300-1330, April 27 (Fri.), in English. Again noted with change to
their usual format. YL with sign-on announcements ("This is Shiokaze,
Sea Breeze, from Tokyo, Japan. This program is broadcast twice a day
for a half hour"), YL with details about abductees (name, date of
birth, date of abduction, location of abduction, if employed,
unemployed or student, height [cm & ft] & weight, if they used eye
glasses, had scars, etc.). Unusual not to hear the background piano
music, which was not heard till the 1326 UTC sign-off announcements.
Certainly a more varied program than their usual stark list of names.
IDs during the program: "This is Shiokaze, Sea Breeze, from Tokyo,
Japan". Mostly fair. A few seconds after Shiokaze ended, Radio Free
Chosun (presumed) immediately started with orchestra music. Shiokaze
really is going through a change of format. On April 22 (Sun.), I
noted for the first time they used a YL for the sign-on and sign-off
announcements and she used just the "Shiokaze Sea Breeze" ID. On April
23 John Wilkins noted a man announcer with "Shiokaze Two" IDs. In the
past Shiokaze Two was presented exclusively by a man announcer and he
used "Shiokaze Two" IDs, but now when the YL is heard, it seems to
only be "Shiokaze Sea Breeze". Will have to see how consistent this
is. (Ron Howard-CA)

NORTH KOREA - 3480.94 KCBS Wonsan 1212-1225 Apr 25. Man declaiming; into
usual choral music at 1216. // 2850, 3320, 4450, and 4557; all freqs
fair. (Wilkins-CO)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - 3275.02 R. Southern Highlands(p) 1219-1245+ Apr 27.
Island and other vocals, M ancr in Pidgin (I think); fair and fading;
still there, weakly, at 1245. (Wilkins-CO)