
Monday, April 09, 2007

Clandestine, Radio Free Chosun logged on 9485 kHz

CLANDESTINE. 9485, Radio Free Chosun (presumed – thanks to Wolfgang Bueschel and others for their assistance in IDing this) 1330-1359*, April 3. Thanks to a tip from John Wilkins, I tuned in at 1316, to hear Shiokaze Two, via Taiwan (BTW - on days that they are in English, I have heard this "Two" in the ID), with OM reading list of abductees names (believe in Korean), with piano background music, 1327 sign-off announcement and piano IS till 1330, which is their usual programming format. It clearly is the end of their program. Immediately after the IS, there is the start of the Radio Free Chosun program directed to Korea (DPR). Begins with orchestra music and then about 15 minutes of talking (seems to also be in Korean). Mentioned Kim Il Sung several times. 1345-55 presents a radio-drama, off at 1359.The format is
totally different than Shiokaze. Reception was good, with no sign of any jamming of Shiokaze or Radio Free Chosun.
(Ron Howard, Shanghai, China, Etón E5)