
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Electronic DX Press No. 40 available online

Edition No. 40 (April 1, 2007) of the Electronic DX Press internet audiomagazine AUSTRALIAN DX REPORT is now available at It runs to 14 mins and 15 secs, containing lots of professionally researchedand sourced shortwave updated schedules and news, unavailable in the public domain. Extracts from schedules for the A07 period are included.Feed subscriptions are active, via RSS/XML, or as Podcasts. Details are at the site! The ADXR shows are also broadcast live over WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee, onSundays at 0200 UTC, on 5070 kHz. Now one hour earlier UTC, but still 9 pm inNashville!You are invited to distribute this message to your colleagues and monitoring friends!
Thank you and best regards from Melbourne, Australia!
(Source: Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia)