
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Former Radio 10 Gold employees launch Internet oldies station

A group of former employees of Dutch oldies station Radio 10 Gold, have launched an oldies Internet radio station, Radio 1008, because, they say, they “believe in the enormous potential of this ever-increasing target group, and its commercial viability”. A few weeks ago, Radio 10 Gold’s owner, Talpa, laid off most of its staff, and plans to silence the mediumwave transmitter on 1008 kHz by the end of April as a cost-cutting measure.
The former employees say there’s evidence that younger listeners are also interested in music of the 60’s and 70’s, and dispute the theory that playing this music means you can only target an older age group.
There are online streams for Winamp and Windows Media Player - though for the latter a plugin is required as the station uses the latest codec - there’s a link on the site to download the plugin.
Radio 1008
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)