
Monday, April 23, 2007

France blacks out Tamil Tiger TV broadcasts

The French government has moved to prevent the Liberation Tigers of of Tamil Eelam ( LTTE) from using French satellite facilities to broadcast its programmes. The French police raided the studio of the Paris-based pro-LTTE channel National Television of Tamil Eelam (NTT) following a complaint lodged by Sri Lanka’s Ambassador Chithrangani Wageeshwara, Foreign Ministry sources said.
The raid came days after the Washington-based Intelsat stopped pro-LTTE groups from using its satellite facilities and in the wake of reports that these groups were trying to use the French satellite station Globecast for propaganda activities. Globecast is a leading global content management and delivery company. It is a subsidiary of France Telecom.
(Source: Sunday Times Online/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)