
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

HCJB to begin DRM tests to Western North Amercia

Doug, HC7AW, of HCJB in Quito writes: ”Starting on April 17th, HCJB will be doing some test transmissions to the western USA on 15680 KHz. We will start at 1600 UTC and go until 0200 UTC. The propagation is pretty bad for getting to the Western USA during the day, so we will start at 9 kbps and gradually move up to 17 kbps like we did for the eastern USA a few weeks ago. We plan to do the test for 2 weeks (through the 29th) unless the reception is so bad that no one can decode us. We then plan to move to the eastern USA and then eventually to Europe.”
(Source: HCJB via DRM Software Radio Forums/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)