
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Syria on amateur radio April 10-27

YK, SYRIA. Saad, N5FF, will once again be active as YK1BA. He is expected to arrive in Damascus during the evening of April 9th and should be active between April 10-27th, before returning home to Texas on the 28th. Saad informs OPDX, "As usual, the purpose of the trip is not a DXpedition, so my operating will be spotty. However, I hope to be able to operate at least 3-4 hours a day. With the current band conditions and my typical operating times, I suspect that I will spend most of my radio time on 30, 40, and 80 meters. However, I will operate on whatever band (80-10m) and mode that have the best propagation at the time. Most probable operating times are between 2000-2300z or between 0200-0500z, and possibly some occasional activities between 1200-1400z. I will be active on SSB, CW, and RTTY." QSL via N5FF.
(Source: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 798/Ham Radio Corner, ODXA Listening In)