
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

U.K. raises postal rates

QSL MANAGER Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH (AD5YS), reports that beginning April 2nd, 2007, the UK postal rates will rise across the board by slightly more than 10%. Current situations and for some time now, the 1 USD has been insuffi cient to pay for the minimum return postage to countries outside Europe.
This new increase will mean that 1 USD is no longer suffi cient to pay for the minimum return postage to countries *WITHIN* Europe. There is no surface mail service offered by the Royal Mail to countries within Europe.
However, they do offer a surface mail service to countries outside Europe. However, at today’s
exchange rate, the new postage cost is barely met by 1 USD and with the continuing decline in the dollar/pound sterling exchange rate, it is unlikely to remain so. The good news is that the new, 2009 expiry IRCs are still exchangeable for the minimum return postage to all parts of the world. However, very few seem to be using them at present. Please bear the above in mind when sending QSL requests which may not be able to be processed and returned before April 2nd. In particular, the cards for the VP- 2MTE operation are unlikely to be received from the
printers by this date. Please do not send currency other than USDs or properly stamped, 2009 expiry IRCs. If you must use mint stamps, please supply them loose (not stuck onto the envelope). Any QSL requests received without adequate return postage will be answered via the RSGB bureau.
(Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin # 799/ODXA Listening In-Ham Radio Corner)