
Friday, May 25, 2007

Blog Logs - Peru

4655.2, Radio Centinela del Norte, Distrito de Cortegana, Provincia de Celendin, Departamento de Cajamarca, 0005-0200*, May 20, new station heard with promotions for the coming patronal festival honouring San Antonio de Padua. ID: "...en el extranjero que estan escuchando esta señal en 4655 de Radio Centinela del Norte, desde Cortegana para todo el territorio nacional peruano; Cortegana tierra en el norte de nuestro querido pais..." ann to be // 90.7 Mhz, "...arriba Peru, arriba Cortegana con Centinela del Norte...". During 2000 and 2001 three stations used this frequency on shift: R Celendin, Ecos del Eden and R Nuevo Amanecer, all from the province of Celendin using the same transmitter equipment. In 2005 the late DX-er Bjorn Malm in Quito heard an UNID signal on 4654.96. (Rodriguez)

4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, Ayacucho, 2350-0010, May 18, Spanish ann, ID at 0000, LA-music, 23322 (Vestesen in Denmark). Also heard 1002-1010, May 23, typical format of Huaynos music and Spanish comments. Signal was fair. (Bolland)

4774.88, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0958-1005, May 23, this one just popped on the air. Spanish comments with slight echo effect and Huaynos music. Signal was poor. (Bolland)

4790.2, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0555-0610, May 20, religious talk in Spanish: "Nos acercamos a la una de la mañana aquí en la Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha, Urbanización San Juan, número 457, Chiclayo, Perú". 24322. (Méndez)

4826.21, Radio Sicuani, Sicuani, 0952-1005, May 23, Spanish comments and typical music, signal was threshold. (Bolland)

4857.11, Radio La Hora, Cusco, 1036-1041, May 14, Spanish, national news, 24432. (Slaen)

4991.0, Radio Ancash, Huaraz, 2345-2400, May 18, many ann and ID's in Spanish, frequency seems to have driven from former 4990.9. Weak but audible, 12322 (Vestesen in Denmark)

5014.36, Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco, 1029-1100, May 18, canned comments in the echo effect, live Spanish political comments, fair. (Bolland)

5039.16, Radio Libertad, Junín (Pres.), 1040-1100, May 18, Spanish comments, music, poor signal. (Bolland)

6019.2, Radio Vitória, Lima, 0655-fade out 0750, May 18, Spanish talks, the Brazilian preacher David Miranda, 44422. (Gonçalves)

6520.41, Radio Paucartambo, Paucartambo, 1028-1034, May 19, Quechoa, Huaynos and short ann, 25232. (Slaen)
(DX Window 325)