
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Blog Logs

Another selection of fine logs from the MARE gang. Thanks to the DXers from Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts. Best of DX!
Gayle VH

4885 Radio Clube do Para; 0406-0412+, 14-Apr; Tropical tunes; full ID @0408. All in PP. SIO=443, occasional weak swiper QRM. I checked 4885 after Joe's UNID log (below) & had only Clube do Para. (Frodge-MI)

6160 CFZN St. Johns NL; 2149-2203+, 17-Apr; As It Happens discussion of various Arab problems followed by a rendition of It's a Wonderful World; CBC News @2200. SIO=2+52 (Frodge-MI)

6200 Radio Prague; *0200, 17-Apr; On w/ID & into news in SS. SIO=443, weak ute QRM (Frodge-MI)

6255 Voice of the Islamic Rep. of Iran; 2110-2130*, 14-Apr; 2M cmtry re Cuba to 2216 then W w/rlgs feature; all in SS. SIO=232, ute QRM; //7300 (also via Lithuania?), SIO=2+53-. 7300 went off @2129:12, but 6255 continued till 2130:04. (Frodge-MI)

15600 Radio Taiwan Int'l, via WYFR Okeechobee FL; 2253-2300*, 18-Apr; M in EE w/Formosan music feature; ID & full sked at close; WYFR ID just before s/off. SIO=353 (Frodge-MI)

Maple Leaf Radio: 6925/U, 0012-0015:45*, 18-Apr; Sub-Cont'l & comedy tunes; ID as the External Service of Maple Leaf Radio; QSL via SIO=2+33-, clatter QRM (Frodge-MI)

Mystery Radio; 6220.18/AM, 2305-2315+, 14-Apr; Disco/dance tunes; ID @2314. Peaks at QRN lvl, improving to fair past 2310. 0155-0200+, 15-Apr, 6220.19/AM; SIO=353-. 0202, 17-Apr, 6220.25/AM, SIO=353-QRN (Frodge-MI)

Radio Ice Cream : 6925/U/L, 0135-0154+, 15-Apr; Velcro Fly & other hot rocks; Many IDs; Belfast drop. Switched suddenly to LSB @0145:52. SIO=354 Apparently went off before 0200. (Frodge-MI)

WBNY Radio Bunny; 6925.1/U, *2242:34-2248:51*, 18-Apr; Vermin blather from Cmdr. Bunny about the FRN. SIO=353 (Frodge-MI)