
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Blog Logs

Today's Blog Logs, feature those contributed to my Monitoring Times-SWBC Logging column, that I have had to cut due to space constraints in the magazine. My special thanks to all of those that contribute. Have you sent in yours yet ?
Gayle VH

All times UTC, kHz, English unless otherwise indicated. // parallel programming

Algeria: 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui 2331. Arabic commentary to "RNS" identification. Spanish at 2332. (Frodge, MI)

Algeria/U.K.: 7150 RTA/Radio Algeria via Rampisham, U.K. 2145-2150. Arabic service on new freq (ex 9650) w/ SINPO 34333 // 9710 (ex 6055) via Wooferton, U.K. w/ SINPO 23332. (Slaen, ARG)

Australia: 17785 Radio Australia 2318. Newscast item on Iraq to Indonesian News updates // 17795 w/ SIO 444. (MacKenzie, CA)

Australia: 2485 VL8K 1241-1305. Sports talk on Australian Rugby League including interview w/ team member. Good signal for continued sports items // 2310 of fair signal quality and // 2325 good signal. (Wilkins, CO)

Australia: 4910 VL8T 1238-1313. Country music songs w/ male/female host duo, past 1300. Good signal // 2485 (good) 2310 (fair); 2325 of course was off. (Wilkins, CO)

Bolivia: 5967.82 Radio Nacional de Huanuni 1035-1042. Spanish news program including report from Sucre. SINPO 24432. (Slaen, ARG)

Botswana: 15580 VOA relay 1845-1858. Ted Roberts w/ program of music, radio drama and general news. Very good signal. (Wood, TN)

Canada: 9625 CBCNQ 2322. Lady announcer's comments on international aid to the Asian world. SIO 333. (MacKenzie, CA)

Canada: 6160 CKZU 1333-1346. News in progress at tune-in. Early Edition program followed by chatting and bragging about the Canucks hockey team. Good signal. (Wilkins, CO)

Clandestine: 11810 SW Radio Africa 1850-1900. Talk and interview w/ ID and station announcements that included freqs, program hours and website. (Slaen, ARG)

Clandestine: 6300 RADS 2100-2112. News bulletin w/ male/female duo. Music at 2105 to male announcer's ID w/ SINPO 24332. (Slaen, ARG)

Czech Rep.: 11600 Radio Prague 2140. Feature on the death of a WWII flyer hero. SIO 554. (Fraser, ME)

Iran: 7235 Voice of Justice 0141-0158. English news to 0151, followed by commentaries to 0158 tune-out. Very good signal // 9495 considerably stronger. (Wilkins, CO)

Iran/Lithuania: 6255 The Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran via Sitkhunai, Lithuania 2054-2059. Spanish transmission via Spain w/ brief news and ID as, " en La Voz de la Republica Islamic de Iran. SINPO 25332. (Slaen, ARG)

Israel: 11590 Kol Israel 1900. Item on political prisoners to be released. SIO 454. (Fraser, ME)
Israel: 6973 Galei Zahal 2305-2312. Hebrew service w/ announcements to pop/dance music. Poor signal. (Wood, TN)

Italy: 9840 RAI 2300-2345. Italian. Euro pop music program mix. Station ID w/ fair signal quality. (Urbelis, NY)

Japan: 9535 NHK/Radio Japan 1750. Interview about the legacy of WWII. Music tune at 1751 followed by Asian Vision. Station ID at 1759, followed by time pips and sign-off. (MacKenzie, CA)
Laos: 4677.63 Sam Neua 1220-1233*. Noted at threshold level, just an occasional syllable audible (w/ lady announcer). Could not tell if // 6130 which was also poor signal. Noted earlier in the week on 4677.51 kHz closing down again at 1233. (Wilkins, CO)

Malaysia: 5964.93 Klasik Nasional 1321-1345. Vocal selections to "Klasik Nasional" ID for fair and slowly deteriorating signal. Strong QRM from station on 5965. (Wilkins, CO)

Mexico: 4810 XERTA 1200-1245+. Anthem at 1200 followed by ID and address in Spanish. Signal too poor ro copy much, but music followed noted with no more announcements until an English ID at 1231. Fair signal on peaks with usual CODAR accompaniment. (Wilkins, CO)

Morocco: 15340 RTM, 1200-1230. Arabic news followed by Moroccan style music. Fair w/ interference. (Urbelis, NY)

Morocco: 15410 VOA relay 1919. Item on Pope's birthday // 15455 w/ SIO 444. (MacKenzie, CA)

Netherlands: 11655 Radio Netherlands 1900. Euroquest - the Best of the Quest program. SIO 454. (Fraser, ME)

North Korea: 2850.04 K.C.B.S. 1216-1227. Korean talk to 1220, then instrumnetal and vocal music to 1227 tune-out. Fair signal // 4450 (good) & 3480.94 w/ poor signal quality. (Wilkins, CO)

Northern Marianas: 13755 VOA relay 2340. Special English news program // 15145 via Philippines w/ SIO 433. (MacKenzie, CA)

Oman: 15575 BBC World Service relay 0320. Two males trade newscast and interviews. (MacKenzie, CA)

Papua New Guinea; 3385 Radio East New Britain 1207-1221. Presumed w/ religious sermon. Signal noted on recheck w/ vocal music. Decent signal. (Wilkins, CO)

Peru: 5014.38 Radio Altura 1117-1125. Tentative on station w/ Spansih text amid poor and rapidly disappearing signal! (Wilkins, CO)

Philippines: 9570 Radio Blagovest via RVA Palauig 1500-1514. Programming commenced at 1500 after RV English identification. Religious talk and occasional ID's noted for good signal. (Wilkins, CO)

Philippines: 9760 VOA relay, 1158-1230. Interval signal to ID. East Asia News Now program. (Urbelis, NY)

South Africa: 7120 BBC World Service realy 0414. BBC identification to comments on the World Union. (MacKenzie, CA)

Taiwan: 9780 Radio Taiwan Int'l, 1200-1230. Taiwan Network newscast, to variety music program // 11665. (Urbelis, NY) 5950, 0323 w/ SIO 444. (MacKenzie, CA)

Taiwan: 5950 Radio Taiwan Int'l relay via WYFR. Female announcer's interview on discrimination in Taiwan. (MacKenzie, CA)

Uruguay: 6125.04 Radio Uruguay 2045-2052 // 1050 AM. Spanish w/ ID as "aqui, en Radi Uruguay." SINPO 33433. (Slaen, ARG)

USA: 9480 KAIJ 2100. Male announcer w/ ID followed by religious sermon. (MacKenzie, CA)

USA: 13570 WINB 1902. Religious vocal hymns to text. SIO 333. (MacKenzie,CA)

Zanzibar: 11735 Radio Tanzania 1800-1920. "Spice FM Relay" promo to news. English/Swahili text with news, local items and music mix. Fair signal. (Urbelis, NY)