
Friday, June 08, 2007

BBC World Service launches FM English in Bahrain

The BBC World Service will be officially launched in Bahrain in English tomorrow. (June 7)The Manama-based BBC 101 FM will broadcast English-language programmes 24 hours a day. The new service complements the established BBC Arabic broadcasts on BBC 103.8 FM.

“We are proud of our close co-operation with the BBC, which we consider a remarkable institution and an outstanding provider of media services,” said Information Minister Dr Mohammed Abdul Ghaffar. “We are confident that this co-operation will enrich the Bahraini media scene with the BBC’s expertise and its famed standards for excellence.”

BBC 101 FM will be launched at a special event at the home of British Deputy Ambassador Steve Harrison tomorrow. The event will be attended by Dr Abdul Ghaffar, BBC World Service English Networks and News Director Phil Harding and BBC World Service Business Development Manager Dr Fouad Razek.

Radio Bahrain’s current service on 101 FM can be found at its new slot at 99.5 FM.
(Source: Gulf Daily News/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)