
Friday, June 22, 2007

House approves amendment promoting VOA broadcast to Venezuela

House Approves Mack Amendment Promoting Voice of America Broadcasts to Venezuela

June 21, 2007 - “While we in this chamber can debate in freedom, the American people can hear and see our every word thanks to a free press. But in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela, the only thing the people can see or hear are the things that Hugo Chavez lets his media print and broadcast.” – Congressman Connie Mack

WASHINGTON - The House of Representatives approved an amendment offered by Congressman Connie Mack (FL-14) today that will provide an accurate and comprehensive alternative source of news to the people of Venezuela. Mack’s amendment to the fiscal year 2008 Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill, which passed by a voice vote, would grant the Broadcasting Board of Governors the tools to increase broadcasting to Venezuela and Latin America.

On the House floor earlier today, Mack, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and one of Congress’ most outspoken critics of Hugo Chavez, gave the following address:

“While we in this chamber can debate in freedom, the American people can hear and see our every word thanks to a free press. But in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela, the only thing the people can see or hear are the things that Hugo Chavez lets his media print and broadcast.

“Freedom of the Press died in Venezuela on May 27, 2007, when Chavez shut down Radio Caracas Television (RCTV).

“This was just the latest in a long line of actions to snuff out free press, free speech, and free thought.

“By shutting down the largest and oldest TV network in the country, Chavez is sending a message to all other media that he has the power to do anything he wants with radio and TV stations.

“The government is targeting opposition voices because of their massive reach, appeal, and influence throughout the country.

“Chavez said, “I am going to go after those who resist the revolution and eliminate them one by one” in reference to one of the only remaining independent voices left in Venezuela.

“As the window on independent media in Venezuela closes, Voice of America will play a critical role in getting the truth out about what is happening in the country.

“Voice of America must provide and create additional programs. With targeted funding, Voice of America can have an even greater ability and capability to broadcast longer with more programming.

“Voice of America serves a significant counter to Chavez propaganda being exported to Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador and Cuba.

“Mr. Chairman, my amendment would specifically grant the Broadcasting Board of Governors the tools to increase broadcasting to Venezuela and Latin America.

“Chavez’s communist plans for the future do not include independent media and freedom of the press.

“We must recognize the War on Terrorism is in our backyard. The gang of countries lining up with Chavez is powerful: Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and others together with the likes of Iran. We must recognize the serious threat to our national security.

“In fact, just this morning, Chavez announced plans to visit Iran in a few weeks, following a long courtship between the two countries.

“The window on freedom is closing fast.

“We cannot turn our backs on the people of Venezuela. We must do more to promote freedom inside Venezuela.

“America has always been the beacon of freedom in our hemisphere.

“Now we must be the pillar of hope for the people of Venezuela and our friends and neighbors in Latin America who fear Hugo Chavez and his communist revolution.”

In 2005, the House passed Mack’s amendment to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act that would authorize the U.S. Government, through the Broadcasting Board of Governors, to initiate radio and television broadcasts that will provide a consistently accurate, objective, and comprehensive source of news to Venezuela.
(Rep. Connie Mack (R-FL)