
Monday, June 18, 2007

Liberia's Star Radio to move to new studios

Stig Hartvig Nielsen writes: “Today Sunday June 17 I heard an announcement on STAR Radio, Liberia, that the station would be temporary closed effective Friday June 15 2007 because the station would be relocating its offices and studios from the Old CID Road in Mamba Point to 12 Broad Street, opposite Ruby Bar and Restaurant, Snapper Hill in Monrovia. Listeners were assured that the station would resume broadcasting in the shortest time possible and that tariffs (advertising rates) would remain the same. I assume todays broadcast on 9525 kHz 0700-0800 UTC (via Ascension) was a repeat broadcast.”

Andy Sennitt adds: The same information is posted on the station’s website, which is also not being updated because of the move. Meanwhile, the website also reports that STAR Radio has identified three more community radio stations that will be given USAID support. STAR Radio is working in collaboration with Development Alternative Incorporated (DAI), an implementing partner of USAID which is building the capacity of community radio stations across Liberia.

The stations are Smile FM, Radio Harper and Radio Kintoma, based in Zwedru, Harper, and Voinjama, respectively. Work with these new stations will include training opportunities for the journalists, management and technicians. Modern broadcast equipment will also be installed to make the stations more responsive to the broadcast needs of the citizens.
Star Radio
(Source: R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)