
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

More RTM Malaysia channels after digitalisation

Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) will introduce more radio and television channels once its nationwide digitalisation project is completed. Information Minister Datuk Zainuddin Maidin told parliament today that the Ministry was aware of the need to keep up to date with technology to improve the quality of RTM’s services.
He said the additional channels would provide more options for the people apart from giving the national broadcaster more means to convey government information to realise the national agenda. “The channels will follow the ‘multi-channel’ concept whereby they can be expanded on a needs basis and also have interactive formats, including providing the ability for exchange of text data,” he said when replying to a written question.
The minister also told parliament that audio and video digital transmission trials were being conducted in the Klang Valley since September on channels denoted RTMi (video) and Muzik Aktif (audio) with the RTMi having interactive capabilities for text exchange and video games. “Besides offering more variety, the audio and visual quality using the digital mode is far better while being more competitive in terms of capacity and spectrum aspects,” he added.
(Source: Bernama/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)