
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Radio Free Asia Releases Art Series of QSLs

For our blog readers, here is a reminder of the RFA QSL cards, collectors are raving over. Don't miss out on this series!
Gayle VH

RFA’s Technical Operations Division is proud to announce the release of the company’s new series of QSL cards commemorating the youth of the world, and the spirit of democracy and freedom. The designs of the first three QSLs were created on April 26, 2007 during RFA's annual "Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day" in Washington DC; the fourth design, set for use in August, was drawn on April 27, 2006 during the previous year’s event. Each design is one of many drawings made by the children of RFA personnel, inspired by the work their parents create daily at RFA.

RFA welcomes all reception report submissions at (follow the QSL REPORTS link) not only from DX’ers, but also from its general listening audience. Reception reports are also accepted by email at , and for anyone without Internet access, reception reports can be mailed to:

Reception Reports
Radio Free Asia
2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300
Washington DC 20036
United States of America.

Upon request, RFA will also send a copy of the current broadcast schedule and a station sticker.
(Source: NASB June)