
Saturday, July 07, 2007

Blog Logs

1185.8 RTM-"C", Casablanca, 0905-1110, 24 Jun, Berber, talks, chanting; 55454 but distorted audio that got worse as day progressed. (Carlos Goncalves-Por)

7308 RTM-"C", Sebaa-Aioun, 0926-. 23 Jun, Berber, prayer, music,harmonic of 1044 (S=9+40dB). (Carlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26) (Carlos Goncalves - Por)

7308 RTM-"C", Sebaa-Aioun, 0926-. 23 Jun, Berber, prayer, music, .;
harmonic of 1044 (S=9+40dB). (Carlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26) (Carlos Goncalves - Por)

4770 R. Nigeria, Kaduna, 1001-1026, 24 Jun, English, mass sermon; 15341, but carrier was still detectable as late as 1230! Nigeria 4770 & Benin 5025 are the only 60 m band African stns audible until mid~late morning. (Carlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26)

4746.8 R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2311-2323, 22 Jun, Spanish, long advertisement for "Rio Farma" (natural medicines); 45333.C(arlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26)

4775 R. Tarma, Tarma, 2258-2307, 22 Jun, Spanish, advertisements, ID+freq. announcement at 2303, prgr "Antena Deportiva"; 24342, QRM de B. (Carlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26)
4940 R. San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, 2235-2246, 22 Jun, Spanish, light songs, TCs; 35322. (Carlos Goncalves-Por,wwdxc BC-DX June 26)

4950 R. Madre de Dios, Pto Maldonado, 2244-2253, 23 Jun, Spanish, songs; (Carlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26)

4955 R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2241-2248, 23 Jun, Spanish, talks;SINPO 35342.(Carlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26)

6019.6 R. Vitoria, Lima, 2249-2255, 23 Jun, Spanish, preacher before live audience; 44433. (Carlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26)

3915 BBC Kranji relay, 2318-2330, 22 Jun, WS in English, "The World Today" feature; 44333, adjt. uty. QRM - a signal that's pesting 3915 for quite some time. (Carlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26)

South Africa
3320 SAUK/R. Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 2146-2209, 22 Jun, Afrikaans, music, newscast 2200; 55333.(Carlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26)

4775 -Manzini, 0454-0509 Jun 23, religious talk by a man followed by ID and usual tuning signal between programs. Opened another program at 0500. Very poor with much static.

3240 Manzini, 0332-0345* Jun 24, choral vocals followed by a man with religious talk in listed Ndau language. Mix of children's choir vocals and talks until another man gave ID at close followed by hand bells. Fair. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer June 26)

15445, 2000-2100, VOA Jun 11 English announcer with African Beat program. Very strong signal, and excellent African music from around the continent. VOA ID and sign-off at 2100*. (Guy Atkins-WA-USA, DXplorer June 19) not Thailand

4828 Voice of Zimbabwe, Guineafowl, 2137-., 23 Jun, non-stop African pops; 55333. At the same time, ZBC 3396 was at full steam too. and with the same sort of menu, by the way. (Carlos Goncalves-Por, wwdxc BC-DX June 26)
(Source: WWDXC Top News/BC-dx #814)