
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Blog Logs

7216.77 R. Nacional, July 4, 1856-1927, Vernacular talks, music,
also at 2042 in French and on July 5 at 0312 - all not \\ 4949.96 (poor,
blocked by ROU at 1928). (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

6115/7110 Belaruskaje Radyjo 1st Channel; 0215-0227 4 July,
2007. Belarus or Russian female, definitely \\ but both very weak and
presumed the one(s) as per Serghey Nikishin's observations from Moscow
June 26. Music in \\ at 0227 recheck. Sites per same source: 6115
Kalodzishchy and 7110 Hrodna. No trace of other channels 6010, 6070, 6190
and 7145. 6115 blocked 0231 recheck by Radio Tirana in English.
(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, DXplorer July 4)

4732 R. Universataria Haven't had any luck with this new one
lately during checks in the AM or PM. Every time I check there's some RTTY
there. (Dave Valko-USA, hcdx July 01)

11815.00 R. Brasil Central, July 4, 1229-1235, Portuguese talk (poor,
QRM:NHK) (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

9625.00 CBC Montreal, July 4, 1135-1140, French political
comments (fair-good, weak WYFR signal on the background)
(Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

6089.85 R. Esperanza (pres.) at 1030-1056 UT. M preaching in SP
w/ment of Jesus Christo and possibly Esperanza. Live Gospel song, then
segment w/M and W hosts in SP mentioning La Cruz and La Palabra de Dios,
and Christo. Fady w/some excellent peaks at 1034 and 1050, along w/some
adjacent channel QRM. Always a tough one to ID as they're few and far
between. Glad to see the earthquake didn't knock this off. June 30.
(Dave Valko-USA, hcdx July 01)

Radio Nacional de Venezuela relay, 11760 kHz, QSL letter
with all relevant information except transmitter site, also a date only
QSL card with various scenes of Venezuela in 4'5 months for $1. Like
others, this came via 2 Day FEDEX, also lots of booklets extolling
President Hugo Chavez. V/S Freddy R. Santos. (John M. Fisher-MA-USA, DXplorer July 5)

11705.00 R. Nacional de Venezuela, July 4, 1202-1207, Spanish talk, 1206
two ID's, address (fair-good) (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

Diego Garcia
4319.00 BIO AFN Los Angeles, July, 4, 1623-1632, English talks in USB (fair)
(Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

4780 Radio Djibouti; *0250-0315 4 July, 2004. 1 KHz (or a
little higher) tone brought up from 0250 into a nice, though short
orchestral anthem from 0300:15, Afar (or whatever) male ID and opening
announcements, flutes and talk atop. Into Qu'ran recital 0303-0313, then
more talk and filler music. Very good and clear. (Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, DXplorer July 4)

4918.99 R. Quito, July 5, 0215-0220, Spanish football report
(poor-fair) (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

7165.12 Voice of Ethiopia, July 4, 1508-1515, Arabic talk,
song \\ 9559.38 (poor-fair, het.) (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

9479.75 Abkhazian R., July 4, 1530-1537, R. Rossii relay \\
7120 (fair, bad modulation) (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

Instead of nx in En Mon-Fri 1156-1200 on 9935 khz RSMacedonias is
relaying DW in Greek (Jul 5). (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX July 5)

4779.97 R. Cultural Coatan at 1117-1135 UT on July 4.
Ranchera-style religious vocals; ID by M at 1129 UT, then into talk or
sermon. Fair and deteriorating. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer July 5)

INDIA 15155 AIR GOS English sce from Aligarh suffers very bad audio
feed. Noted in 1730-1945 UT time span. I guess the local technician tuned
ASIDE of the feeder frequency on the satellite tuner. July 1st.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX July 1)

3266.42 RRI Gorontalo (pres) 1127-1215 July 2. Indo vocal mx
hosted by YL; Jak nx at 1200 after exactly 3 notes of SCI; the Jak relay
ended at 1214 but not sure what followed - maybe just dead air; at any
rate they pulled the plug about 1225.

4789.98 RRI Fak-Fak 1143-1220 July 4. Indo vocal mx to 1158, then M ancr
briefly; dead air for a minute or two, then SCI and Jak relay at 1201;
back to local studio at 1223, with man speaking in Bahasa Indonesia. Good
w/CODAR QRM. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer July 5)

4790, RRI Fak Fak, 0955-1005 Since this freq is clear lately, noted Fak
Fak with Qu'ran type program of singing by a male up to the hour and
through the hour.No break for ID or anything at 1000. Signal was fair
during this time. (Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, DXplorer July 4)

6964.81 Galei Zahal; 0315+ 4 July, 2007. Wow, down around 10 kHz
now, with the usually strong signal, Hebrew male dj, Hebrew pop and
Euro/US rock album tracks. Noted way earlier, around 2330-0000 I think,
but weak and wrote it off as something Asian or a pirate.
(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, DXplorer July 4)

3287.66 R. Madagasikara, July 4, 1820-1830, Malagasy talks,
song \\ 5010.01 (poor - but good on 60 m.b.)
(Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

5964.64 Klasik Nasional FM 1150-1220+ July 5. Malay-flavored
vocals; two pips at 1200, then YL with apparent news; a jingle at 1203 was
followed by M&W in talk or interview; back to mx at 1217. Fair signal.

6049.66 Asyik FM via Kajang 1120-1204+ July 3. Pop mx, YL ancr; 1200 pips
and news, I think, by M ancr. Good signal but high/low hets and static
noise. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer July 5)

Radio UNAM 9600 kHz, Full data logo card and 2 CDs of classical
Mexican music in 3 Months for $1. V/S Teofilo Huerta Moreno.
(John M. Fisher-MA-USA, DXplorer July 5)

6009.45 R. Mil (tent.), July 5, 0235-0305, Spanish, song, long religious-
like talks - all without any clear ID (poor-fair, best on LSB, QRM:RSI)

6184.96 R. Educacion, July 5, 0124-0159, Spanish talks mostly about
educational problems, two ID's at 0144 (poor-fair)
(Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

Radio Myanmar 7185 kHz. Full data folder Map/Globe card and
friendly letter in 6 Months via registered mail. V/S KoKo Htway. Thus ends
an almost 20 year epic battle to get a verification out of this station.
NASWA Country 202. Very Happy with this and all the QSLs received here.
(John M. Fisher-MA-USA, DXplorer July 5)

New Zealand
3935.06, presumed ZLXA, at 1153-1214 UT on Jun 30, lite
vocal mx to 1200 UT, then pips and YL with possible nx; seemed to go back
to mx at 1210 UT, but signal had already started to fade out. Respectable
S-9 carrier at tune-in, but poor copy due to apparent undermodulation.
Best on USB to avoid the hams below. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer July 1

9705.00 La Voix du Sahel, July 4, 1125-1132, Hausa-like talks,
african singing (poor-fair, QRM:CHN) (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

9690, Voice of Nigeria, at 0749-0806 UT on Jun 18, man talking
in presumed listed Hausa lang. with numerous ments. of Nigeria. Brief drum
mx at end of prgm followed by a woman ancr with ID. Instr. mx followed by
a man with nx. Poor-fair. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer July 1)

9690 at 0759-0811 UT on Jun 20, Hausa (listed), IS at tune-in. Wailing
"Nigeria . . . (unid.)" followed by ID and s/on anmts. Nx with many ments.
of Nigeria. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour-NH-USA, DXplorer July 1)

9690.01 Voice of Nigeria, July 4, 1117-1124, English comments (poor,
QRM:CHN?). (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

South Africa
9744.97 TWR via Sentech at 1901-1915* UT. Long tlk by M in
what sounded like AR but what must have been Hausa (according to the
sked). A soft Cow bell-like instru. was hrd mixing in during the last min.
Then wind chime melody (IS??) w/M anncr in EG voice over anmnt sounding
like "You have been listening to the international broadcast, TWR, for ??
". And off the air. Found CRI on at 1930 UT much weaker and on freq. June
30. (Dave Valko-USA, hcdx July 01)

7200.00 R. Omdurman, July 4, 1555-1607, Arabic talk, news (good)
(Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXplorer July 6)

15650 Que Huong R. [via Dushanbe-TJK] Jul 02 *1200-1212
35433-34433 Vietnamese, 1200 sign on with opening music, ID, Opening
announce, Talk. (ex 15670 kHz). (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium July 6)
ex15670 1200-1300 (Mon-Sat) 100 QUE

I have just heard Vanuatu back on 3945 kHz at 1010 UTC with a
lady reading News in English. I haven't heard them on this frequency for
some months. New Zealand Aid is to provide Vanuatu with two 10 kW
shortwave transmitters soon. (Gordon Brown NWDXC July 4)

7220 V. of Vietnam at *1230-1258* UT on Jun 30. RS xmsn opened
with "Govorit Golos Vietnam," followed by news and/or talks by YL. Good
signal but ham QRM after 1244 UT. \\ freq 9550.2 kHz was also of good
strength but severely hampered by RHC on 9550 kHz. Into CH at 1300 UT.
(John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer July 1)
(Source: WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #815)