
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Blog Logs

All times UTC

4732.02 Radio Universitaria (pres.) 0051-0207:35*, Tlk by male at tune in, then soft LA romantic music. Male returned over music at 0056 and then another Rom. song. Same M was joined by W anncr at 0100. More lively Latin American pop music with animated M anncr host afterwards. Just at threshold readability but much too noisy. Signal strength dropped down after 0100, which is consistent for sunset reception. Kept recording and found they left the air at exactly 0207:35. Finally no RTTY this night. (D.Valko/PA/HCDX 12 July)

Burkina Faso
5030 Radio Bourkina, Ouagadogou, 2048-2052, July 09, French, short announcement & local music, SINPO 23222 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

6155, CNR-2/CBR, 1300-1400, July 23, hour program mostly in English: "This is English Evening on China Business Radio", hosted by Eric, song "Every Breath You Take" by Sting, talking about weddings, "Career Focus. In tonights edition of Smith's Business close-up ...", segment "Studio Classroom Worldwide", fair-good. MP3 audio available at: (Ron Howard-CA)

6009.48 LV de tu Conciencia 1004 nice canned ID by M "Desde Puerto Lleras, Colombia, esta ?? Alcaravan Radio en 15-30 AM, y la onda corta 6010 La Voz de tu Conciencia, la voz ?? radio AM ??", then canned anmnt by M. Good and clear. (Valko 12 July/Cumbre DX)

Costa Rica
6020.95, REE, 0237-0311, July 24, Spanish programming,fair-poor, // 3350, 6055, 6125, 9535 & 9620. (Ron Howard-CA)

4920, All India Radio, (pres) 00:15-0030 Another weak signal here with music and believe I hear comments at 00:21 UTC. The noise and QRM on this band makes copy of anything not a lot of power, impossible to copy. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, January 22, 2007)

4920 AIR Chennai (p), Tamil Nada, 0052 - 0102, Vernacular, musical programme, comments or news by man announcer, 24332, (Eramo, Argentina)

4790, RRI Fak Fak, 0931-1035, With a female in Indonesian comments, this was followed with pop music. This format continues throughout the period. Didn't notice a break on the hour. Signal was poor. Still audible at 1035. (Chuck Bolland, July 20, 2007)

7295, RTM, (TENT), 1016-1030 Noted at tune-in a female in English comments, possibly presenting the weather report. At 1018, a male comments. Signal was threshold and possibly a boggie. (Chuck Bolland, July 20, 2007)

5995 Radio Mali (p), Bamako, 2055-2100, July 09, ¿language?, very nice vernacular songs, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

9599.22 Radio Universidad 0917-1002, Usual Classical mx. 0940 Woman announcer with song announcements, then back to more music.0959 woman returned with more song announcements followed by nice canned ID promo mentioning what sounded like 96 FM. Long period of deadair then. Beautiful clear signal.(Valko 12 July)

3375 Radio San Antonio(p), Padua del Callali, Arequipa, 1009 - 1040, July 1, Spanish and local dialect, Musical Programme (Anden music), religious comments by man, 24232, (Eramo, Argentina/Cumbre DX)

4746.9 Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, Ayacucho, 0005 - 0007, June 26, Spanish, man announcer, advs, ID "Huanta 2000...", 24322, (Eramo, Argentina/Cumbre DX)

4857.46 Radio La Hora (p), Cusco, 2317 - 2328, June 27, Spanish, comments, man announcer, 24222, (Eramo, Argentina/Cumbre DX)

4828, Zimbabwe Broadcasting, (pres) 2330-2345, Can't hear too much since it's still a 45 minutes before sunset, but under the noise I can hear Hilife type music with singing etc at threshold. Never heard any comments due to the wild noise level. (Chuck Bolland July 21, 2007)