
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

DX Camp Blog Logs

These are a few of my logs from the Rhein-Main Radio Club DX Camp in Langenselbold, near Hanau, Central Germany. Conditions seemed favourable, and the good performance of the RMRC dipole antenna helped a lot. The dipole was approx. 10 meter long each side, and the central point was hoisted up a flagpole. I used it on my JRC NRD-525 receiver.

Radio Ethiopia was heard in Somali on 26 July, 12.22 UTC on both frequencies in parallel: 7165.0 and 9560.6 kHz, with SINPO 32432 and 33322. It was heard again on 28 July at 1358 UTC, now on 9560.3, listed as Afar language, which may well be so to the sound of it, then at 1400 heard their IS and then the Arabic program, SINPO 32422.

Radio Cancao Nova was heard in the middle of the day on 9675 kHz at 12.37 UTC on 26 July with SINPO 34322. They brought a sermon in Portuguese.

La Voix du Sahel, heard on 26 July at 1302 UTC on 9705 kHz with French news about the "president of the Republic of Niger, the safeguard of the constitution". SINPO 34433. Also heard on 29 July at 0605 UTC with SINPO 33443.

Heard a chinese talking station which presumably is T8BZ Koror from Palau. Received on 9965 kHz on 26 July at 1348 UTC with SINPO 23422.

The breakaway station Radio DMR from Pridnestrovye was heard with their English broadcast on 26 July, 1600 UTC at SINPO 53443. Pridnestrovyan officials seemed to be annoyed by a declaration of the EU parliament that human rights were neglected in the arrest of two terrorists in that forgotten part of Europe.

Radio Madagasikara, music, national anthem, 3 x IS and sign off. Heard on 26 July at 1854 UTC with SINPO 33322.

I heard all 3 transmitters of the NTSS network on all 6 frequencies - all for the first time! 26 July, 1902 UTC, phone-in show about football coaching, on 2485 (SINPO 35333), 2325 (25322), and 2310 kHz (22322). ID as "ABC Darwin" after the 1930 news. A little later I heard them sign off at 2130, and re-appear on 60m: 4835 (SINPO 33333), 4910 (33333) and 5025 kHz (42333) with another news edition.

Kanal Kultura seems still to be on: music heard on 7265 kHz on 27 July at 1345. SINPO 34322. Unfortunately no ID, but what else could it be?

Radio Tanzania Zanzibar still very strong, heard on 27 July at 1950 UTC on 11735 kHz with 54543. Speech, IDs, news.

A whole bundle of Mediacorp stations also made it around the globe on 27 July: The Malayan Radio Warna, heard at 2325 UTC on 7235 kHz with SINPO 53443, chatting about a festival and numerous references to Malaysia and Singapora (sic). The Tamil Oli 96.8 FM on 7275 kHz, heard at 2335 UTC with SINPO 43433 (ads and music). The English 938-LIVE with report and jingle/ID at 2342 UTC, SINPO 32432. And traces of the Mandarin channel (dunno which FM station actually was relayed) could be heard beneath RHC and Radio Prague on 6000 kHz at 2348 UTC, SINPO 22422.

La Voz de Guaviare, ID, jingle, national anthem and sign off, heard on 28 July at 0258 UTC, SINPO 33322.

. Voice of Mongolia, English news and festival report, 28 July 1000-1030 UTC, 12085 kHz, SINPO 34322.

Special LIVE broadcast of the Rhein-Main Radio Club with reports about the DX camp where I heard this broadcast, featuring interviews with participants, myself included, recorded a few hours earlier on the camp site (not a campsite!). 9290 kHz via Ulbroka, on 28 July, 1700-1900 UTC, booming in with 55555.

Radio Mosoj Chaski heard for the first time, 3310 kHz, 29 July, 0120 UTC, music and phone-in, SINPO 34232. Closedown at 0135 UTC.

Radio Mundial, with woman in Portuguese, on 29 July at 0138 UTC, 3325 kHz, SINPO 22222.

Radio San Miguel on new 4691.39 kHz, on 29 July at 0154 UTC, music program, closedown without anthem at 0252 UTC. SINPO 34232.

Radio Buenas Nuevas, 4799.80 kHz, moving down to 4799.78, heard on 29 July at 0229 UTC. Music, sermon, phone-in show. Frequency announcement in Spanish at 0423 UTC, close-down 0425 UTC, later than listed. SINPO 32222. Lots of static.

The state radio from Omdurman was heard with equal level to Radio Bulgaria (in Russian) on the same frequency on 7200 kHz (29 July, 0300 UTC) with news in Arabic. SINPO 52432.

Radio Difusora de Macapá, music, frequencies and clear ID in Portuguese, heard on 29 July at 0332 UTC on 4914.95 kHz. SINPO 32222.

US gospel station "Leading the Way" via Skelton, in combined English/Russian language broadcast, heard on 9845 kHz at 0340 UTC on 29 July. SINPO 35433.

Radio Fana, drums and talk on 7210 kHz on 29 July at 0407 UTC. SINPO 34222.

Voice of Broad Masses noted back on 7100 kHz, nothing of 7090. HoA music and talk, 29 July, 0410 UTC, SINPO 22322.

Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan apparently still there, oriental music heard under heavy utility QRM on 6335 kHz (29 July, 0440 UTC) with SINPO 42432.

A single Peruvian log: Radio Victoria with brass music heard on 6019.53 kHz on 29 July at 0451 UTC, SINPO 32322. Not heard on 9720.

On the air this time, Gene Scott with his usual speeches was heard on 6090 kHz, but I tuned away very fast not only because of the program but also because it was buried between the two strong DRM signals on 6085 and 6095. 29 July, 0525 UTC, SINPO 41431.

Trans World Radio, 29 July, 0531 UTC (a little late), with what seemed to be a multilingual loop, the Polish part seemed to say that they have problems with their antenna. SINPO 44444.

Marfil Estéreo heard well on 5910 kHz on 29 July at 0532 UTC. Music program with jingles after each second song. SINPO 34323.

Radio Conakry, earlier than listed in WRTH, heard with non-stop african music on 7125 kHz (29 July, 0630 UTC). Severe fading. SINPO 34322.
Altogether, 768 logs from 104 countries in 3 days. Good DX!!!
(Source: Eike Bierwirth, Germany/HCDX)