
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Late Breaking News - Radio St. Helena to test July 17

Just received moments ago, and special thanks to friend Anker Petersen of DX Window, for the following news from Radio St. Helena.
Gayle VH

Dear friends,

July 11, 2007
This evening I received the following important message:

Hello all
Please be advised that another Test Transmission on 11092.5 KHz USB will take place from Radio St Helena on Tuesday 17th July around 7pm GMT for about 2 hours approximately.

Please spread the word.

Thank you

Laura Lawrence (Miss)Radio Station Manager Radio St Helen
aPounceysTel/Fax: +290 4542

R.S.H - 40 years - 25th December 1967-2007"

The DSWCI strongly advises you to check this new test on Jul 17 around 1900-2100 UTC and sent your reception report to the above mentioned e-mail address. Please note that R St. Helena has not promised QSL's on this test.

Instead, the DSWCI again is going to support this additional test by issuing our 50 years anniversary QSL-Card on all correct reception reports (i.e copies of those sent directly to the station), if sent to:

Anker Petersen
Udbyvej 11
DK 2740 Skovlunde, Denmark

with enclosed return postage of 1 IRC (valid until Dec 2009), 1 USD or 1 Euro.

Best 73,