
Sunday, July 01, 2007

Radio Tirana releases new email address

Dear Radio Tirana Listeners,
We are pleased to notify the first ever email address of Radio Tirana English Section,as follows:
You are kindly encouraged to make your comments,remarks and questions about Albania
and everything Albanian via email.
Thank You and all the best from sunny hot Tirana,
Drita Cico
ARTV-Head of Monitoring CenterRADIO TIRANA
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, India)

Radio Tirana International - English service
All times UTC
Target Areas: eu (Europe) na (North America) va (Various)
0145-0200 Tues-Sat 6120eu 7425na
0230-0300 Tues-Sat 6115eu 7425eu
1300-1330 Tues-Sat 13750na
1845-1900 Mon-Sat 6035eu 7465eu
2000-2030 Tues-Sat 7465eu 13720va
(Source: Gayle Van Horn-Frequency Manager/Monitoring Times, SW Guide)